I get the spoiler so...
White haired (zion) is really endgame
Both erica and zion read the novel about how leo immediately dumped erica for yulianna (erica read it in her previous life when she was still a korean girl, idk when exactly zion get the novel, but he approached erica and asked her for fake dating because he's curious about her after reading the novel, it's also stated that he doesn't know leo hasn't move on from erica after 3 years)
In short, both of them are sure leo will fall for yulianna, that's the very reason why erica dumped him, and why zion isn't hesitate to approach erica
Both of them don't deserve Leo anyways, one is a "friend" who steals his ex girlfriend and purposely make her kiss him and she's that gullible to answer to him with a "yes" every time, while Leo is trying so bad to get her back even after 3 years, he has a shitty friend and a really slow ex girlfriend, he deserves better. Bye