patiently waiting chapter 141 - 143 to be translated.. i will be laughing to all suryeon h...

yuzuru May 3, 2021 12:27 am

patiently waiting chapter 141 - 143 to be translated.. i will be laughing to all suryeon haters back then.. and i bet they will be hate suu decision tho.. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Painterofthenight May 3, 2021 4:28 am

    What will suryeon do to redeem himself shackling and breaking Suu's leg and intentionally killing sahara? lol does he sacrifice himself??

    yuzuru May 3, 2021 6:39 am
    What will suryeon do to redeem himself shackling and breaking Suu's leg and intentionally killing sahara? lol does he sacrifice himself?? Painterofthenight

    Here we go again.. Breaking ankles card.. First you all are welcome to believe what you wish to believe...he's the crown prince, he has the reason to do it, and he fix it..
    Did you understand the last weeks chapter tho.. Suryeon did his damnest to keep the dragon away from the royal consort and ofc to maintain his position. If he didn't changed his mind, he would have been killed in the politic game long ago. He need to kill child Saharah because he need that Dragon power to bring down the rain,.

    Suu goal is always about escaping Rahan, but tbh he always made very poor decisions for his plan.. And thefate say different thing he meeting the dragon and set him up in as food chain where Saharah feed on Suu and Suu must feed on Suryeon. Not only that if you read Suu monologue to Suryeon he feel in romantic way too..

    Last if you read this just because pitying on Saharah i don't want to argue more, and if you think Suu will leaving Suryeon you need to prepare your heart too.. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Painterofthenight May 3, 2021 7:16 am

    I don't condone that what he did is overlooked just coz he's in power and has a reason that's why he did it. Saying it's okay coz he fixed it after is fucked up like promoting that violence is acceptable if they heal you afterwards. The shackles ain't cute and breaking his leg isn't debatable. Even Suu said it from his own monologue that suryeon "This man always knock me down like this... Just to lift me back up. He enjoys doing this." He also said "I can't believe I used to find solace in a person like you." This is outright saying that even Suu knows his immoral disposition towards achieving his goal. Once he set his mind on something he does it even to the extent of directly harming Suu in the process that shows that Suu's feelings ain't his number one priority, he didn't even reflected genuinely on what he did. But then I guess Suu like bad boys if you're saying he'll stay with him. I don't know what he will even do with Suu maybe he'll string him along on his side under his command so there would be rain, now that he's mostly like a dragon.

    yuzuru May 3, 2021 9:13 am

    Then killing animals and humans to satisfy his hunger is acceptable for all of you..
    Sure just like ur ava tho, he mostly like someone bad boys, selfish, violent bastard..
    But for me Suryeon ad Suu just desperately want to trust and be trusted by each other yet they know it's impossible because of who they are and what they know. ...
    bye then my comment is not to change your opinion of the story, that is your right..

    Painterofthenight May 3, 2021 9:40 am
    Then killing animals and humans to satisfy his hunger is acceptable for all of you.. Sure just like ur ava tho, he mostly like someone bad boys, selfish, violent bastard.. But for me Suryeon ad Suu just despe... yuzuru

    Uhhh sahara ain't human he's an effing dragon and so you just confirmed all the immoral accusations against Suryeon and acknowledged that his acts are fucked up and you glorify it. The fact that Sahara kills for both their survival and to feed Suu, but he has never directly hurted Suu (pre-betrayal chapter) potrays a strong imposition of how he truly feels and cares about Suu than suryeon and he numerously pointed out that where Suu is happy then he is happy too. The concern is obsessive which says a lot that dragons doesn't really have intense affection and normal emotions as humans.

    Ahemorrhoid May 5, 2021 11:47 am
    I don't condone that what he did is overlooked just coz he's in power and has a reason that's why he did it. Saying it's okay coz he fixed it after is fucked up like promoting that violence is acceptable if the... Painterofthenight

    I think you should read my analysis on Hwaryun and the other characters. Hwaryun is a misunderstood character overall, but I think that readers keep judging this character based on their morals and ethics of today's world. This story isn't like today's world so everyone is going to look fucked up. Hwaryun receives the brunt of the hate for this reason. This story is about survival of the fittest where no one has the time of day for emotions. I'm honestly surprised that the author fit in romance into this story, given how brutal this setting is. I explain these concepts pretty well in my analysis. Go read it if you have the time.

    In the coming chapters, you will see how everything is coming together like I predicted in some sense.

    Ahemorrhoid May 5, 2021 12:04 pm
    Then killing animals and humans to satisfy his hunger is acceptable for all of you.. Sure just like ur ava tho, he mostly like someone bad boys, selfish, violent bastard.. But for me Suryeon ad Suu just despe... yuzuru

    This comment right here. It's not just your "opinion" in which Suu and Hwaryun want to trust each other. This is a fact. They do want to trust each other and they do want to live normal lives. This is what the author intended when she built these characters. There's so many context clues and evidence throughout the story that shows how much these two characters actually want to feel for each other, but their dispositions make it very difficult to get over any barriers.

    Suu knows that Hwaryun isn't a scum deep down. Hwaryun is playing the game of survival and if anyone understands this, it's Suu because Suu is just as fucked up; he's been playing the game of survival for his entire life lol.

    And, whoever said that he likes bad boys is blind and needs to reread the story again. Suu likes Hwaryun because Hwaryun is actually warm , tender, and considerate, despite how pragmatic he has to be on the daily. In a way, I'm certain that Suu sees a part of himself in Hwaryun and he doesn't want to let go or face Hwaryun because of that. This explains why Suu refused to go back to the palace or see Hwaryun. Sometimes, when we meet people who go through similar experiences/situations as us, there are 2 main outcomes that occur: 1. The two people will support each other and lift each other up or; 2. Suffocate each other and bring each other down. My prediction is that these two will feed off of each other's energy and lift each other up in the coming chapters for obvious reasons. We wouldn't have a story if this were not to be the case.

    Also, I just want to remind y'all that the person who gave Suu warmth and a "home" wasn't fucking Sahara or Nadan; it was Hwaryun. Sorry, but Nadan was more like a crutch for Suu.. like a baby's blanket or bib. I can guarantee you that Suu would be more devastated if Hwaryun died versus Nadan because Suu barely even flinched when he found out that Nadan dropped dead lol.

    Anyway, I agree with what you said. Have another mini analysis.

    yuzuru May 5, 2021 5:30 pm
    This comment right here. It's not just your "opinion" in which Suu and Hwaryun want to trust each other. This is a fact. They do want to trust each other and they do want to live normal lives. This is what the ... Ahemorrhoid

    As always thank for your details analysis...
    It feels near to the end.. And Suu seems accept it since he said he's between saharah and hwaryun ? He even remember hwaryun wish becoming farmers..

    I'm not sure about it but on the end chapter 142 did the vision about hwaryun past is Suu "dragon power". This new chapter tbh shocking me, I don't expect the author show Hwaryun other side, like finally he can be honest, and his expression tho..

    last just ignore those haters,, just because we have different favourite, as always they will refuse all our opinions and force their opinion..

    Ahemorrhoid May 6, 2021 12:49 am
    As always thank for your details analysis... It feels near to the end.. And Suu seems accept it since he said he's between saharah and hwaryun ? He even remember hwaryun wish becoming farmers.. I'm not sure ab... yuzuru

    Ahaha, np. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading them. It's already apparent that Suu and Hwaryun are going to reunite properly and fight against the Noble Consort together. I remember that scene with the rice cake mullets and it is one of my favorites :)

    The newer chapters have been a very enjoyable read for me. I am so happy to see Hwaryun's tender side, which I EVEN SAID THAT HE WOULD SHOW ONLY TO SUU LOL. I'm sorry if I appear so smug, but I'm also bewildered by seeing my own predictions/analysis appear in the plot lol.

    Idc about what haters/people who disagree say to me. If they think I'm full of shit, then that's cool. I'll just tell them to just watch and see how the story goes so they can look back and see my shit-eating grin lol.

    Orange_puss May 8, 2021 2:35 am
    Uhhh sahara ain't human he's an effing dragon and so you just confirmed all the immoral accusations against Suryeon and acknowledged that his acts are fucked up and you glorify it. The fact that Sahara kills fo... Painterofthenight

    Hahahha Lol i think you are just glorifying the act of murder innocent people for the sake of love. Well duh even though you were saying he making a village of innocent people as food supply for them to survive, Suu never approved it and not happy with that. And you wanna use the reason he can be excused is because he is a dragon? Duh have he ever live viewed by others as monster? Have he ever live in constant life worrying about assassination? Have he even experience pain that can kill a normal people? Why can you understand the 'the dragon' but can't understand a person who isn't living a proper life as human? And duh he ain't saint and I don't think any of us are either.