He's nontoxic. How is that something that's boring? Curtis is overbearing and controlling. Parker is immature and constantly pushing her into having sex and winston is a strong male who's kind and emotionally mature. He's ready to be a good mate to her. He's also a king. He can provide for her instead of having her to wander around.

The reason I don't like him is becus he's too timid, and never really take any actions. Becuz in my opinion, if u love someone then u have to show it, otherwise if u just tell urself/others how much u love that person and thinking that It's unfair that they don't want u back while never really being there for them at all when they need someone to be with them, just standing there in the sidelines and doing absolutely nothing is not attractive at all, if u don't show someone that u love them, then It's the same as not loving them at all. And I also don't like tsundere/timid/nerdy dudes at all, I can clearly see that they like me, but when I approached them/try to make them feel comfortable with me, they always dipped out when I need someone to be there for me, and are very insensitive and stupid in a way, and that is totally frustrating, and I'm always the one who talks more(when I don't evn talk that much to begin with, but I try to make an effort) , like one time we were both waiting for the bus, and while waiting I went to buy coffee for both of us and hurriedly rushed back, I evn spilled some on my clothes on the way and he should've waited for me for just that short amount of time but he just took the bus without me and went home, and when I told him abt it the nextday, he just laughed, and other time when I was sick I asked for his sweater but then he act all fake shy(that was so not the time for it) and didn't evn give it to me, which he kept lying on the table anyway and he didn't evn wear it, that was the last straw and frm that day onwards, I never want to deal with such inexperienced guys ever again, I don't mind at all taking the initiative from time to time, but I don't like doing it all the time. I want a straightforward and honest guy who's not ashamed of his feelings for me, and I want him to be so possessive and love me that he'll feel like going crazy without me, it makes me feel loved and I secretly enjoy it( becuz well, my self esteem is kinda low evn tho guys talk to me all the time), and yeah Curtis does have his toxic traits(but who doesn't), evn the nicest human has their toxic side, theres a pros and cons to everything, and for me Curtis's good and desirable and attractive side is way more than his bad side. And also another reason I like Curtis is that he knows what he wants and not indecisive, like from the very 1st time he saw bai, he knew he wanted her and does everything he can in order to have her and nevr judge her for her "ugly appearance" and freckles, he evn loved her before seeing her true form, and despite him being a cold blooded snake, he made food for her with fire, traded his gems with food for her and evn tho it was all a first for him, he tried his very best and was very gentle and careful with bai, and when enemies appeared he's always ruthless with them and act like what he's thinking and not being passive aggressive, fake nice, try to not fight etc. And the fact that he's very strong and dependable and possess all those characteristics are very attractive. And evn in terms of sex, I want an experienced guy becuz they're more familiar with how to please a woman and how to be considerate for her, becuz I always think abt it in my mind and sex is important to me and I want my first time to be enjoyable, so I don't want it to be with someone completely cluless, the type who dont evn know how to prepare a woman, doesn't do foreplay goes straight to sex or the type who only tries/knows how to please himself etc.Haha, Anyway, sorry for ranting, what I'm tryna say is that with Winston, I feel like i'll always have to initiative conversations or joke around first, and he's just very awkward and a very boring dude in general, sorry

I can relate to what you had to go through and I'm definitely a Curtis supporter myself but everyone has their preferred type and that is definitely proven by these comments. Simp Curtis or Winston but do it cause that is what your into regardless of their characteristics (everyone in the comments killing each other).

but winton is hot and cute. he doesn't push his luck and holds back, never forced bqq to do shit, he never even tried to make bqq think before talking like curtis did (although i still love him). and even more to the topic none of his children tried to impersonate him and have sex with their fucking mom (sorry curtis). so stop talking that shit. (︶︿︶)=凸
I'm sorry but I really don't give af about Winston he is a good guy and everything but that's pretty much it