My thoughts about this manga..

Aiya-chan April 30, 2016 2:36 am

Okay, so I'm gonna try to keep my composure and finish reading while rembering that this is a fictional work and nothing to get to upset over but seriously I just had to mention that this misogynistic bulllshit:
And this

Seriously destroyed the mood for me, if anyone had said anything to me similar to the degrading idiocy these guys are spewing that would have been it.

"Oh so you think that my value as a human being is less then yours becaus of my gender? Yeah, you're out. Sorry, not sorry"

Oh and also, Mehu is APOLOGISING to the dude who MADE A FUCKING ALBUM with pictures of girls he slept with. Enraged? Check!

And really, how creepy is that?

And just when I had calmed diwn and was enjoying the story this shit appears:

WTF Yamato??! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Now I'm twice as enraged as a was a moment ago in chapter 5. Disturbing shit, is sensei really a misonogist? Cuz it sure seems like that with the way females are portraited in this manga. And I haven't even mentioned the relationship between Uran an Kiyomichi. That makes me so furious I just block it out from my mind.

What he thinks at the end of the page:
"It's boring to do this by myself without any reactions of "Stop it!" or "No!" or "Pervert!" "
WTF?!? Seriosly, what the fuck? What is this sexual assault crap? I'm gonna blow a fuse soon.

And that Fucking creepy crawly teacher. Disgusting sexual harassing POS. In my country his behaviour and comments towards Megu is a sexual offence. I want to kill him! The way he treats them just cuz he's got some weird kind of hots for Megu, disgusting! He doesn't care what he does of what kind of pain he causes other, and for what? For his own amusement? For some vile sexual interest in a young girl? It's disgusting.

This could have been a great manga, it sure had potential but in the end it just angered me. I read manga to get a break and some escape from the true character of people and I get this. This was just yet another reminder of how cold, cruel, heartless and selfobsored people are. Especially with that ending, fuck you Yamato, you manipulating asshole!

A great ending would have been if Megu had dumped his inconsiderate ass and got the slimy teacher arrested for sexually harassing a student. That I would have hurrayed for.

Now I just feel sad and disappointed, definitely not the feeling I was after.
( ̄へ ̄) ╥﹏╥
