if its not rape, then its taking advantage. Whoever starts first doesnt mean that its consented. Consent should be mutual. And whoever starts first doesnt matter, continuing it matters and in this case, hwan continued to do so=took advantage of a drunk chiwoo which is still bad( ̄∇ ̄") to be seen as rape is very likely
It’s not because he made the first move or that his body reacted to it that it qualifies this as “non-rape”;
Even if you make the first move you should have the choice (or the ability)to say no. Here he clearly doesn’t seem to be capable of saying yes/no
Under the influence (or not) your body can react “positively” when someone does something to you, but it doesn’t mean it’s consent either.
I don’t know if it’s how you worded your comment but it reminds me of the way rape apologists victime blame others
Everyone saying that its a rape....but come on Chiwoo make the first move and he didn’t stop him rather he was enjoying.... How this is supposed to be rape....