Nine needs to step the fuck up.

Sketchy May 2, 2021 10:20 am

Not to be a pissy bitch but Nine is getting annoying now. I thought he was cute at first but not anymore. How he sobs over Melissa not telling him something, how he’s getting angry for Melissa saying to find out what poison will be used on her. Or how he whines and that shit. I understand that he’s worried for her but I think she’s fully capable to handle herself. Small spoilers but he runs off or some shit after and I think that pissed me off the most. I guess I like maturity and in my eyes he’s just a man child who’s naive and innocent. Like seriously, you’re not the one who’s life is at risk so why are you running? I wish he fucking spoke to her and didn’t sob that often over basically nothing.

    spendalyn May 2, 2021 11:07 am

    i personally think that’s what makes his character more appealing. it’s typical in webtoons for the male lead to be mature while female is childish, but it’s completely switched around here which allows for melissa to showcase her independence by setting boundaries with him when he shows childish behaviour. honestly, most of his reactions are just done in a lighthearted way that doesn’t negatively impact their relationship because it’s resolved easily, i’m sure we will see more development with it later

    puppy-kun's choker May 2, 2021 11:12 am

    i meant to down vote sorry

    Atsushikunn May 2, 2021 11:15 am

    i meant to down vote sorry (2)

    Potatonhii May 2, 2021 11:22 am

    He’s worried because she continuously puts herself into harms way. He doesn’t know that she can’t die because it’s a novel. If someone I loved dearly purposely puts themselves into dangerous situation, I would act like that too. Plus he never got to be a child since he had to fight to survive. I think it’s fine that he’s acting spoiled now. You can just stop reading it if you’re this annoyed by him cause it’s gonna be like that for the rest of the story

    Oriemie May 2, 2021 11:22 am

    I'm also starting to get annoyed at Nine. It feels like Nine is seeing Melissa as a weak person who needs to be constantly protected when in fact she doesn't need it and can clearly handle herself. Don't get me wrong though I adore Nine and I know he's just worried however his lastest actions toward Melissa annoys me.

    I have also seen the spoilers and I think Melissa is starting to understand why Nine acts like that or maybe she found out about his feelings(???) I could be wrong though since I saw the korean ver and only based this on how the characters react.

    That's just my opinion though. Hopefully Nine can get past this. Anyways have a wonderful day (ノ´∀`*)