Not sure what to think

Luna April 29, 2016 3:19 am

I see Pudding being revealed. I've compared the photo of the three eyed girl and they do look similar. It's possible this is a different girl but also this could be the same girl and just younger, and old photo.
But then the theory is going through my head. Will Pudding really be the three eyed girl? Or will the Three eyed girl be the one to help Sanji escape the wedding?
Right now I'm a little to tried to think straight.

    sakurapetal May 5, 2016 5:14 pm

    I also searched for the pictures because I thought the same thing and the fiance girl has her front covered by a frindge so maybe she is hiding her third eye in the photo

    Luna May 5, 2016 8:57 pm
    I also searched for the pictures because I thought the same thing and the fiance girl has her front covered by a frindge so maybe she is hiding her third eye in the photo @sakurapetal

    I'm thinking the photo was taken before the time skip and before she got her powers. So many theory's going around. Only Oda-sensei can give us this much suspense that it's killing us.