But really what's the point of recognition when more than 50% of their followers read their works illegally? Don't get me wrong since I am also on this site but what we're doing rn brings no benefits to the authors. Their source of income is by selling these comics but we stole and spread it for free. Also saying things like "i have no choice because i have no money" is inexcusable since many authors have been saying "if you cant buy it dont read it", because comic is not a necessity like food and water.
What I'm trying to say is, stop making excuses and stop trying to justify illegal reading. Whatever the reason is we're still wrong. We're literally a thief. Acknowledge it and don't think so high of ourselves

Uh, I have to agree with @dreampinkv here. Look, obviously, I'm here on this site as well, right? I'm not about to say shit like "stop reading!" because that is hypocrisy. But stop trying to validate our actions, and there is nothing to justify reading on an illegal site. Most author's only income is from their manga, so by translating it illegally, we are stealing money from them and probably preventing them to make full profit. "I don't have enough money" is not an excuse because you won't die if you don't read said manga, it is not a necessity, it is mere entertainment. The authors hate to illegal translations are valid. Just accept we are in the wrong and move on. Simple as that.

I don’t describe myself as a thief but you can free to see yourself like that. We bring many benefits actually, this site is like a free advertisement, if Caste Heaven or many others is not published in here, I wouldn’t know any of them, either authors or their other works. In their circumstances maybe they can reach 1000 sales but when it is published in those free websites or blogs or Instagram accounts, they can have 10 or 100 times more views and some of the readers who can afford to support them can purchase their works so that this 1000 sales become 2000 sales. What I mean is that it will only increase their recognition and their incomes.
By the way, comic is not a necessity like food or water ahahaha if you want to, you can continue to live with just food and water but we’ve already passed that age. Humans are social beings and all of us have the right to enjoy from movies, music, books or many others for our souls without paying. Civilized people or governments produce solutions such as establishing libraries for people not being afford to buy books, instead of saying “if you don’t have money, don’t read it”.

Although you replied to @dreampinkv, I saw you mentioned things I said, so I hope it's okay if I reply, just know I don't speak on behalf of @dreampinkv, so there may be things even we disagree with. Let's be real here, illegal sites really won't help the author's profit in a way that outweighs the cons it brings. The pro of having a few more views on their instagram won't really equate to the damage that illegal sites bring. Most readers here come here simply because they are broke, maybe 1% will go out of their way to spend money for a manga in a foreign language, but not enough for that to be used as validation. I'm glad we agree that reading comics are not necessities? Okay, now this is funny. Why does anyone have the obligation to give us comics free to read? We have a right to enjoy certain activities as you stated, but it isn't "our right" when it comes to stealing someone else's money. Look at it this way. Kid 1 has this new gaming console. Kid 2 wants it to play games, and enjoying playing games is indeed their "right", but that "right" is irrelevant when it comes to stealing Kid 1's console for their entertainment. You are being a bit narrow minded right now, instead of looking at this solely from the point of view of a reader, instead look at the author's. In libraries (hopefully) the respected authors have consented for their books to be there, in an illegal manga site? Obviously not. I'm not sure if you're familiar but there was some drama regarding a BL manga on here, the author took legal action and everything to reclaim their manga rightfully. Now, I've read it and I was sad about it, but I'm not in the right to expect that as an obligation from everyone to give it to me free of charge, otherwise I'm being stupidly self entitled.

Wait, I can't even read my own paragraph, I'll divide it so you can read it easier, sorry about that:
Although you replied to @dreampinkv, I saw you mentioned things I said, so I hope it's okay if I reply, just know I don't speak on behalf of @dreampinkv, so there may be things even we disagree with.
Let's be real here, illegal sites really won't help the author's profit in a way that outweighs the cons it brings. The pro of having a few more views on their instagram won't really equate to the damage that illegal sites bring. Most readers here come here simply because they are broke, maybe 1% will go out of their way to spend money for a manga in a foreign language, but not enough for that to be used as validation.
I'm glad we agree that reading comics are not necessities? Okay, now this is funny. Why does anyone have the obligation to give us comics free to read? We have a right to enjoy certain activities as you stated, but it isn't "our right" when it comes to stealing someone else's money.
Look at it this way. Kid 1 has this new gaming console. Kid 2 wants it to play games, and enjoying playing games is indeed their "right", but that "right" is irrelevant when it comes to stealing Kid 1's console for their entertainment. You are being a bit narrow minded right now, instead of looking at this solely from the point of view of a reader, instead look at the author's.
In libraries (hopefully) the respected authors have consented for their books to be there, in an illegal manga site? Obviously not. I'm not sure if you're familiar but there was some drama regarding a BL manga on here, the author took legal action and everything to reclaim their manga rightfully. Now, I've read it and I was sad about it, but I'm not in the right to expect that as an obligation from everyone to give it to me free of charge, otherwise I'm being stupidly self entitled.

Ooww i feel like a tutor reading an essay sorry. Firstly, library was an example to identify the way of looking at the problem and bringing solutions instead of saying if you don’t do this then don’t do that attitude.
I am not narrow minded, I am actually the opposite. Your illegal site view is a common thing, nothing new, it is the ethical one and most of the people think the way you think. What I was doing is looking from other side, Is there any possible positive effect that illegal sites can bring to authors. From my perspective yes it is, increasing popularity is not something to be underestimated specifically for today. By this way, they can gain more followers and international recognition and their work can licensed in English. Also %1 will not be the small number considering the views from website even though you look down on it;)
Lastly, we are on the Internet age that everything is open to share. Fortunately, it is applicable for the vast majority of subjects. Comics are one of them, not an exception. It is essential to remember that someone actually buy it before sharing it. What i am saying is to look at logically. For instance, caste heaven already formed the its own community to buy the work and it will not negatively effect the number of buyers by sharing from this site, in contrast it will help it to stay popular and updated or maybe gain new admirers.

Damn, sorry about that ... ┗( T﹏T )┛
To bring a solution to a problem, we must first recognise it as one and then further clarify what it is. Refusing to see reading a manga illegally as a problem or, at least, immoral, will not be productive at all. I've never told anyone to not read the mangas here! I just said accept we are in the wrong.
Just because my opinion is allegedly the consensus doesn't mean that you cannot be narrow minded simply because you're opinion is not. Perhaps though, you might've misunderstood my use of narrow minded. I meant it simply in the sense that you have not seemed to have truly considered the author's perspective on this matter. Their opinion would be the most valuable.
Yes, 1% can be a lot but that 99% will be reading the manga here instead of actually give the author their deserved profit, and 99% is a toppling majority over that small 1%. I never denied that it cannot have any pros, but I have stated that the cons clearly outweigh the supposed pros, making it overall bad.
Okay, but the person who buys it to share for thousands of people is still only one person. If the manga was, say, $1 to buy, then the person could only contribute $1, the manga would still be missing out on that other $1000+.
Also, it isn't about not being to understand the language, because caste heaven does have an official English translation of the manga, albeit paid obviously, still there. Let's say some people do share it around, then what? Where do you think the people who they share it to will read? My guess, an illegal site.
I'm also an artist, and it really infuriates me when someone steals my art or uses it as a profile picture. They may say "oh, but this way people will love your art" but that really doesn't matter if I don't consent to the sharing of my art. Finally, I'm NOT saying "don't read here" I am saying that justifying, giving excused and trying to validate reading here is the "don't" of this scenario. Like I said, just accept we're wrong and move on with everyone's life.
The thing is these mangas and also korean webtoons become popular and well known around the world because of, mainly, these so called "illegal" translators and websites. If they didn't exist, authors and their works wouldn't gain so many followers. It is a fact and accept it. How many people know Japanese or Korean with a level of advanced reading skill, or, Which countries have bl manga stores. Apart from that, buying online is not an easy and affordable option for too many people, you think that it is too cheap lets say it is just 1$ to read a chapter but regarding X country that 1$ means like 10$. Actually, at some point, these free online options are used until the work achieved some recognition. Whether you accept it or not, when you report or block them, nobody will change their attitude, they will just pause to read thats all.