About his leg

bring_me_the_taekook May 2, 2021 5:16 am

How did he become crippled? I don't recall at all

    Simping Weeb May 2, 2021 5:20 am

    But he isnt crippled?
    It was just a fake story invented by that dude from the poison sect

    bring_me_the_taekook May 2, 2021 5:38 am
    But he isnt crippled?It was just a fake story invented by that dude from the poison sect Simping Weeb

    No, given the last few chapters, if he wasn't crippled, he could have easily avoided falling into this trap of being discovered by walking normally up to drink the alcohol. And in a previous chapter he mentions how he can pretend for a short while that he doesn't have a limp. The only reason he abandoned his initial plan of using rain to poison the sect by poisoning the roof tiles (which was why he worked on the roofs in the first place) was cos he had no choice but to reveal that he was crippled. The poison sect leader only accuses him of being the killer because he was limping as he walked up to drink the alcohol.

    PolarFish May 2, 2021 6:11 am

    If I recall correctly, he was crippled after Mangyo broke his leg was broken all the way back in chapter 2.

    crow May 2, 2021 6:48 am

    in the very beginning during torture, the guy smacked his leg with a cane and broke it. i assume it never healed correctly

    Lais_giulia159 May 2, 2021 9:04 am
    in the very beginning during torture, the guy smacked his leg with a cane and broke it. i assume it never healed correctly crow

    Well he did ingest poison after poison, and isn't his blood like a pure unknown poison? I'm curious to know how Mangyo survived without any sequels, excluding his eyes and leg

    bring_me_the_taekook May 2, 2021 3:03 pm
    If I recall correctly, he was crippled after Mangyo broke his leg was broken all the way back in chapter 2. PolarFish

    Ohh yesss. Thank you!