weird sexual comments towards a middle schooler by grown demon lady

Otaku1237 May 2, 2021 4:24 am

it was going pretty good but i literally can't ignore the sexual flirting thrown at a 13-year-old so peace out

    DxMaku93 May 4, 2021 3:16 pm

    Well in their world he is already an growing up man... so....

    Otaku1237 May 4, 2021 3:27 pm
    Well in their world he is already an growing up man... so.... DxMaku93

    Okay, and? The story was made by someone in our world moron. "Well in their world he is already an growing up man... so...." in OUR world where the story was thought of and written that lady is a fucking pedophile and a weirdo she's talking to some who in OUR WORLD would be a 5th possibly 6th grader basically an elementary schooler and that's disgusting. Their world don't mean shit you creep

    DxMaku93 May 4, 2021 5:27 pm
    Okay, and? The story was made by someone in our world moron. "Well in their world he is already an growing up man... so...." in OUR world where the story was thought of and written that lady is a fucking pedoph... Otaku1237

    Well, in our world there is no such thing as magic, necromancy or things like that... we should also judge the zoophilia and necrophillia showed on this FANTASY work or are you just gonna go rant for subjective things?

    Otaku1237 May 15, 2021 4:27 am
    Well, in our world there is no such thing as magic, necromancy or things like that... we should also judge the zoophilia and necrophillia showed on this FANTASY work or are you just gonna go rant for subjective... DxMaku93

    are you fucking stupid? what world do you live in?? what are you reading where they glorify, justify, or sexualize zoophilia and necrophilia (both being serious and disgusting crimes) beside the fucking weirdos that likes that bullshit almost no one in their right mind wouldn't say something