
Yeah I think she was really desperate at this point and by seeing a home with light she might have thought a family lived here. She didn't really think twice and knocked on the door, but again when you're desparate and being chased by zombies ans rapers ,I understand that your brain can't fonction normaly.
Some of you are hating on this story because the FL seems like a damsel in distress, but I find this actually really realistic. Of course I absolutely stan a powerful and independent woman, but y'all need to understand that in the same situation as the FL we would exactly have the same behavior. She don't know the language, there's zombies that tries to kill her, she's just a frail woman in a world dominated by lustful men that tries to rape her wherever she goes, foreigners are being looked upon and used in mines. She can't trust anyone , she can't even defend herself if someone where to hurt her because she litterally don't have the physical force (initially frail body plus the fact that she didn't ate for a week). This is pretty realistic to me. She don't have any superpower or don't have any incredible physical force, she's juste like you and I. Even big strong men in this world can't protect themselves against zombies so what as a frail woman can she do? If a man catch her , what will she be able to do apart cry and struggle to escape? Plus she has some backstory with her mother, and she seems to have some trauma as a child, so of course she will not be as strong-willed and confident in herself as someone that grew with a loving environment.
And for those might think that she acted like a "slut" by using her womanly charms on the ML, listen, I am one of the most religious woman in my whole family , so chastity is something extremely important to me. But in the same situation as the FL, I would do exactly what she did it. I would use any means to survive. After all she's been through, she has to survive by any means and keep the ML by her side to protect her. It was either that, or she dies by being abandonned.
Realistic stories like this are refreshing to me.