IMAGINE HIS REACTION WHEN THE BABY BUMP SHOWS UGHHHH HE'S GONNA BE SO DAMN HAPPY AND IN TURN WE'LL SEE THEM ALL LOVEY DOVEY UGHHHH I CANT WAIT (he's prolly gonna be upset cause Gain didn't tell him earlier but they'll sort it out)
Ohh I'm starting to feel sorry for this long haired dude, his mom a real fckng btch. What's up with you, ma'am??!! Leave them alone ugh
IMAGINE HIS REACTION WHEN THE BABY BUMP SHOWS UGHHHH HE'S GONNA BE SO DAMN HAPPY AND IN TURN WE'LL SEE THEM ALL LOVEY DOVEY UGHHHH I CANT WAIT (he's prolly gonna be upset cause Gain didn't tell him earlier but they'll sort it out)
Ohh I'm starting to feel sorry for this long haired dude, his mom a real fckng btch. What's up with you, ma'am??!! Leave them alone ugh