Are yaoi manhua actually chineese

Brittle Bones Nicky May 1, 2021 1:42 pm

gay media isn’t really loved by the Chinese government-in fact it’s censored a lot. so like, is yaoi manhua genuinely chineese?

also, according to Wikipedia, there’s a god of
homosexual love in Chinese culture called tu’er shen and that’s literally so rad. it was only after the europeans came that homosexuality got criminalized. god, we ruin everything lmao

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 1:48 pm

    Yaoi manhua does not exist lol since its basically illegal in the country, thats why all mlm manhuas you see are shounen ai :">

    Brittle Bones Nicky May 1, 2021 1:50 pm
    Yaoi manhua does not exist lol since its basically illegal in the country, thats why all mlm manhuas you see are shounen ai :"> ✨Suujin

    im literally so uncultured it’s kinda sad but now i know kskskskfnnrndnsnsns

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 2:03 pm
    im literally so uncultured it’s kinda sad but now i know kskskskfnnrndnsnsns Brittle Bones Nicky

    Yeah it is sad :( mlm manhua authors in china dont even get the same legal privileges. Like, they cant easily sue other authors for plagiarizing their work. Its basically the same concept of a woman struggling hard to sue her rapist and get him to prison, if you know what i mean :(

    Yaoi_Girl May 1, 2021 2:11 pm
    Yaoi manhua does not exist lol since its basically illegal in the country, thats why all mlm manhuas you see are shounen ai :"> ✨Suujin

    It's really sad, 'cause I would really like to se some Yaoi manhua. But, still, their Shounen-ai is BEAUTIFUL. Like, seriously, every single one I have read is so good!

    Brittle Bones Nicky May 1, 2021 2:16 pm
    Yeah it is sad :( mlm manhua authors in china dont even get the same legal privileges. Like, they cant easily sue other authors for plagiarizing their work. Its basically the same concept of a woman struggling ... ✨Suujin

    Damn that really sucks. Tu’er Shen the god of homosexuality would not approve

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 2:17 pm
    It's really sad, 'cause I would really like to se some Yaoi manhua. But, still, their Shounen-ai is BEAUTIFUL. Like, seriously, every single one I have read is so good! Yaoi_Girl

    YES I AGREE!! all shounen ai manhuas ive read are beautiful, especially Salad Days!! And the comedy ones are really funny as well like 19 Days and Nan Hao Shang Feng

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 2:19 pm
    Damn that really sucks. Tu’er Shen the god of homosexuality would not approve Brittle Bones Nicky

    Indeed!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Ochako May 1, 2021 2:22 pm

    Well yes, Europeans/British did that bc Christianity considered it to be a sin punishable by death. All the countries ruled by British at some point in time have those rules/law and mentality against homosexuality even if the ancient cultures were in favor of it. Chinese and Indian cultures are both pretty old cultures that had acceptance for homosexuality but after the British/Europeans invaded they made stringent laws to punish people who exhibited even a little tendency for it, even if the crime was only alleged and not proven.

    Chinese manhua's don't have explicit scenes, but I have heard that it is limited to publishing in China/ chinese websites itself. So if they do it for a website that is not chinese its fine I suppose. This is what I had heard. Most people who got punoshed for such literature were those who published it in chinese language or on chinese websites or in China itself.

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 2:33 pm
    Well yes, Europeans/British did that bc Christianity considered it to be a sin punishable by death. All the countries ruled by British at some point in time have those rules/law and mentality against homosexual... Ochako

    It wasnt because of Christianity that china started to frown upon homosexuality. Heck, Christianity is banned in china It just has to do with culture, thats all. Women should be housewives and men should be the ones who will be educated to get a proper job for the family. Men should be with women to bare kids for the main purpose of continuing the lineage. This is also the reason why men are allowed to have concubines, the bigger your family is, the more power you have tied to your family name. Men x women--good. Men x men, women x women--not good, because they cant bare kids.

    ✨Suujin May 1, 2021 2:36 pm
    It wasnt because of Christianity that china started to frown upon homosexuality. Heck, Christianity is banned in china It just has to do with culture, thats all. Women should be housewives and men should be th... ✨Suujin

    Its the classic gender roles toxic mindset actually. Women should be modest and demure, otherwise they will be branded as crude, odd, etc. Likewise, men should be masculine, tough, strong and able.

    Yaoi_Girl May 1, 2021 6:57 pm
    YES I AGREE!! all shounen ai manhuas ive read are beautiful, especially Salad Days!! And the comedy ones are really funny as well like 19 Days and Nan Hao Shang Feng ✨Suujin
