Just why??

Alice May 1, 2021 12:22 pm

This was going on my fave list and then the author had to add that extra and destroy everything... Couldn't we get an extra about their everyday life and some lovey dovey dates and moments? Especially after all those hurtful and serious stuff we need some healing and fluff... Is it so hard to have a BL couple without rape from beginning to end? I mean especially in THIS webtoon where Hyesung has been treated like that for so long by others... Also it totally changes/destroys the top's image and personality he has built so far? Anyways, I guess I will just pretend those extras never existed... And some of y' all saying they are a couple and this is not rape...Even if you date someone, you can still get raped! As long as you are against it even a little and yet your partner keeps going that's considered rape. And for some of you all saying "it's just fiction". All the things we see in webtoons happen in real life somewhere out there. So to you it might be a "fiction" but to someone else it's their "reality". I mean why even try to justify a rape scene and use the "it's just fiction"card? Someone even said it's a consensual non-con? The fuck is that? It's either the one or the other... I really don't get some of y'all...

    Stan Straykids May 1, 2021 2:33 pm

    It’s not rape pages are missing they have a safe word

    Alice May 1, 2021 2:45 pm
    It’s not rape pages are missing they have a safe word Stan Straykids

    Yeah I later found out from the comments... Honestly it makes more sense then... Still don't like it that much though lol And I mean why would a person with a trauma want to "play" out that kind of concept? Anyways thanks.

    Stan Straykids May 1, 2021 3:20 pm
    Yeah I later found out from the comments... Honestly it makes more sense then... Still don't like it that much though lol And I mean why would a person with a trauma want to "play" out that kind of concept? Any... Alice

    Yes actually!! Many rape victims do rape play as a way to cope with their trauma it’s a lot more common than u think

    yaribu_lover May 1, 2021 7:45 pm
    Yes actually!! Many rape victims do rape play as a way to cope with their trauma it’s a lot more common than u think Stan Straykids

    Yeah definitely. I personally have sexual assault and rape trauma but do rape/coercion/bondage play because it’s something I’ve always been into and it is different when you’re doing it with someone you trust. I think a lot of people don’t understand it which I get because it seems like it would be traumatic but it often doesn’t trigger the same because your brain can separate the cnc from actual assault (at least in my experience everyone’s experience with trauma can be different and there are going to be some people who will not be ok in these instances). But it’s one of those things that can only be done with someone that you truly trust with all your heart so I actually found this chapter very endearing. But that is not to belittle the fact that people can definitely be raped in a relationship or feel like they can’t say no. That’s why communication is so important when it comes to sex so there is no guessing and you know exactly what your partner wants.

    Stan Straykids May 1, 2021 8:18 pm
    Yeah definitely. I personally have sexual assault and rape trauma but do rape/coercion/bondage play because it’s something I’ve always been into and it is different when you’re doing it with someone you t... yaribu_lover

    I couldn’t have put it better

    yaribu_lover May 1, 2021 10:29 pm
    I couldn’t have put it better Stan Straykids