Fatalpoison May 1, 2021 10:30 am

***SPOILERS - I'm addicted to this story as there are no free raws I purchased the Korean chapters. For anyone who is interested here are spoilers up to chapter 21***

In chapter 15/16 Cirrus gets Skylar to pretend to be his boyfriend to piss his stepmother off. But she isn't buying it, so in order to prove it Cirrus suddenly grabs Skylar and kisses him without his consent, which shocks Skylar. The kiss lasts quite a long time and Skylar low-key kisses Cirrus back as there's tongue involved (and Skylar is also blushing). When they break apart his stepmother storms off in a rage and Cirrus starts laughing about how hilarious her reaction was. At this point Skylar starts having some sort of panic attack. The kiss brought back some memories from his past (in middle school I think). We see a flashback of him in a classroom, blindfolded and another boy is kissing him. I'm not sure if it was entirely consensual. After the flashback Skylar starts crying and throwing up. Cirrus is offended and tells Skylar he doesn't have some kind of disease. After that they go their separate ways.

That night Skylar has a nightmare about the incident in the classroom. He starts throwing up again in the toilet and wakes his sister. He begs her not to tell their mother about what happened. Skylar keeps thinking about the dream and his kiss with Cirrus. He gets so worked up that he chews his lip until it bleeds. At school the next day he is so tired he falls asleep during his midterm exams.

The next day the teacher calls Skylar to the teacher's office to give him shit over failing his exam. Skylar is devasted. Afterwards he goes to PE class where the teacher asks Cirrus to explain the rules of badminton to Skylar as he arrived late to class. Skylar fantasies about smashing Cirrus' over the head repeatedly with the bat (lol). Cirrus tries to talk to Skylar but he ignores him and asks the teacher if he can be excused as he feels sick. Cirrus goes after him. He assumes Skylar is acting weird because it was his first kiss, so he tells him not to take it so seriously as it was just a joke and didn't mean anything. Skylar snaps and punches Cirrus in the face.

The two of them argue back and forth, then Skylar punches Cirrus in the stomach. After this Cirrus grabs Skylar and is about to hit back when he notices two girls walking down the stairs. They stop and ask if the boys are fighting. Cirrus pretends like they were just messing around and starts to leave but stops when Skylar asks him why he is so concerned with what people think of him and protecting his image / reputation or whatever. Cirrus turns, grabs Skylar and almost kisses him again but Skylar freaks out and pushes him away.

Afterwards Cirrus meets up with Chan-il and his other friends. They go for food but Cirrus can't eat. He keeps starring at Chan-il and wonders what Skylar likes about him. He imagines how differently Skylar would have reacted if it had been Chan'il who kissed him and the thought seems to irratate him.

In chapter 21 the class are going on their school trip. Skylar is angry when he finds out that Cirrus changed the group names before handing it in and is now part of Group 6 instead - Skylar's group. Cirrus thinks about how he originally did it because he thought it would be funny to mess with Skylar, but now he seems to genuinely want to use it as a opportunity to get back on good terms with Skylar. When they are going into the hotel room Cirrus offers to help Skylar with his luggage but he refuses his help. In the room Cirrus keeps trying to make conversation but Skylar tells him to leave and go back to the group he was originally supposed to be with.

Back at Skylar's home his mum is cleaning his room while he is gone and finds his recent exam results...

That's pretty much everything so far. The Korean version of this series is on hiatus at the moment until the end of May so it will be awhile before we find out what happens next. Enjoy!

    lockscocks6969 May 1, 2021 6:13 pm


    Giyuuu May 1, 2021 8:36 pm

    You're an angel ...thanks for the update though ... i can patiently wait for this ..its one of my fav ...

    Fatalpoison May 1, 2021 9:23 pm
    You're an angel ...thanks for the update though ... i can patiently wait for this ..its one of my fav ... Giyuuu

    One of my favorites too. But the time the Korean hiatus is over the English version will have almost caught up so I think I will stick with it instead lol

    Fatalpoison May 1, 2021 9:23 pm
    You're an angel ...thanks for the update though ... i can patiently wait for this ..its one of my fav ... Giyuuu

    And you're welcome

    peevacorn May 1, 2021 9:56 pm

    Thank you for this extensive summary!! I bought the raws too and I'm in love with the characters and the art <3

    peevacorn May 1, 2021 10:00 pm

    Honestly, thank you for writing all this! I assume you speak korean?

    Fatalpoison May 1, 2021 10:56 pm
    Honestly, thank you for writing all this! I assume you speak korean? peevacorn

    I actually used Google Translate which was abit patchy but I was able to grasp the general jist of what was happening. I love the story and characters so much aswell. Skylar and Cirrus' relationship is so fascinating. I'm really curious about their past

    peevacorn May 2, 2021 11:46 am
    I actually used Google Translate which was abit patchy but I was able to grasp the general jist of what was happening. I love the story and characters so much aswell. Skylar and Cirrus' relationship is so fasci... Fatalpoison

    Same!! Are you reading Checkmate by any chance?

    ann73uxis May 2, 2021 11:48 am

    okay wait this is the first ever manhwa or manga aside from like action or sport manga’s where I remembered the name of the characters

    peevacorn May 2, 2021 11:53 am
    okay wait this is the first ever manhwa or manga aside from like action or sport manga’s where I remembered the name of the characters ann73uxis

    Lol :D Why, cause they look like english ones?

    ann73uxis May 2, 2021 12:00 pm
    Lol :D Why, cause they look like english ones? peevacorn

    idk normally I just skip over names but like I’m able to remember the names of Jin-woo from solo leveling n most characters from other manhwas

    Fatalpoison May 2, 2021 12:12 pm
    Same!! Are you reading Checkmate by any chance? peevacorn

    I started reading it on Lezhin but when I heard about them cutting out all the explicit scenes I dropped it

    peevacorn May 2, 2021 11:56 pm
    I started reading it on Lezhin but when I heard about them cutting out all the explicit scenes I dropped it Fatalpoison

    Actually the absence of explicit scenes doesn't make it less interesting. The story and the characters are super good, if you like manhwa like Lost in the cloud or Truth or Dare you'll love this one

    Fatalpoison May 3, 2021 12:30 pm
    Actually the absence of explicit scenes doesn't make it less interesting. The story and the characters are super good, if you like manhwa like Lost in the cloud or Truth or Dare you'll love this one peevacorn

    Thanks, maybe I will check it out again. The story did seem interesting, Ijust prefer to read a story the way the author originally intended without scenes being cut. Not sure why Lezhin decided to do that for western audiences.

    Niceboobs May 3, 2021 7:39 pm

    Damn this manwha is going to be interesting