Here’s the tea: people who can support the author will. People who can’t, won’t. Sur...

Miwa May 1, 2021 9:39 am

Here’s the tea: people who can support the author will. People who can’t, won’t. Sure, there’ll always be a few people who won’t pay when they can, but most of us aren’t like that. Illegal sites like this are free marketing. I would never have gotten into manga 15 years ago if not for sites like these. I would never have heard about any of the manga I’ve read and I never would have bought any of my favourite authors’ works.

So, support authors if you can. If you can’t right now, consider supporting them in the future. For those of you saying you’ll report these sites, know you’ll be hurting authors more than helping them (and please get off your high horses). Free marketing and publicity help sales and popularity. It’s why HBO let people illegally download episodes of Game of Throne and why the show got so popular, for example. The same can be said for pretty much any manga and webcomic. And no, this isn’t just me making an excuse for illegal distribution, it’s statistics.

    weebo May 1, 2021 9:47 am

    Totally agree with you on this matter. Haven't anyone notice that a lot of LN and promo stories have been adapted and serialized? That's free advertisement for you. And btw not all readers here are not supporters on legal sites. Just because we are not speaking doesn't mean we are not paying. You know free taste before buying the product?

    fantomyte May 1, 2021 10:03 am

    Totally agreed
    Plus some authors totally embrace these platforms. I’ve seen authors sharing their work here even tho they also post on more official website. Their message being, “please check my work if you like it and i’m Sharing it here because I know the community is very supposed it’s free publicity to post here”.
    Some authors just can’t get past the “I could make more money if those websites didn’t re post my work”, which is not always true because most of the reader were introduced to a series here then decided to support the author because they loved it. Without pirate websites I wouldn’t even KNOW lezlin existed because i’d Still be buying my manga in paperback version for christ’s sake...

    ann73uxis May 1, 2021 10:49 am

    but shouldn’t we still respect the authors wishes if they don’t want it to be uploaded

    there’s a thread I found that says stuff abt lezhin n the way they pay the authors for their work

    fantomyte May 1, 2021 10:58 am
    but shouldn’t we still respect the authors wishes if they don’t want it to be uploaded there’s a thread I found that says stuff abt lezhin n the way they pay the authors for their work http://www.mangago.... ann73uxis

    Personally I will continue to support only my favorite series because I can’t afford to pay for every series I read. I value some works above others and that’s my method of support. So far I haven’t been into this author’s previous work and I only discovered this new series today (I got curious because it was updated 5 times), it’s good but I also feel reluctant to be pressured into buying works. I mean all the artists deserve recognition and not only this one. This one is just more vocal about it. In a ideal situation I would be able to pay for every manga I read but that’s not the case yet. Until then I’m only buying my favorites. Hopefully for this author she will find a fan base who value her work enough and can afford it.

    If it get dropped here I guess I will just drop it along. Not like she’s the only lezlin author who wrestled her work out of mangago... it happened in the past and I just had to drop the series altogether.

    Miwa May 1, 2021 8:35 pm
    Personally I will continue to support only my favorite series because I can’t afford to pay for every series I read. I value some works above others and that’s my method of support. So far I haven’t been ... fantomyte

    Exactly, to both your comments. Some authors actually research marketing and sales and understand it’s better to take advantage of these sites. Also, we can only support so many authors. If I bought every single chapter of manga or webcomic I’ve read, I’d need to be making about $300000 a year. I make about $15000. I would love to be a able to pay for everything to show support, but it’s impossible. Still, the more people who read, the more who will pay. And I’ll pay as much as I can.