I did too, and nozomi has such a fluffy personality but I can see that if u lay ur hands on what's his he will go besurk. He is sooooo kawaii,sweet beyond words and when tatsuyuki actually accepted him, him but not as a replacement he cried when doing it. It filled my heart. Send me him in a package any day . and tatsuyuki is a little too erotic in the last couple H-scenes
this story.. this is too much.
when I learn about Nozomi's past, I cried.
when I saw Tatsuyuki gives up on himself being fucked like crazy just for getting an appologies. because he have no choice, I cried.
but, the moment I understand why Rogi did that, when he sit on the sofa watching his video fucking Tatsuyuki, the material for him treating tasuyuki's father, Rogi loves him taht much. that so sad. I cried.
I know Rogi was bad but from the first time I see him, I didn't have, I didn;t see him as bad people, I don't have this bad feeling about him. His eyes....... just pityful(?),
I didn't expect this story will be like this. This. beyound amazing