..alth0ugh this is n0t I'm l0oking f0r I really appreciated it f0r y0ur reply Adriana-chan, I'll definetly read this it has a g0od feebacks thank y0u very much

One idiot seme comin' right up:

..0h 0k takame-kun arigat0..

..thank y0u very much y0u guys were s0 nice..

..thank y0u f0r the recommenti0n..
..hi guys! is there a yaoi manga, like a seme rape his uke cuz he th0ught that the uke is kind 0f slut but he isn't? then after it the seme regret what he did t0 his uke? please I want t0 read that kind 0f yaoi manga right n0w, 0negaishimsu minna San