Reminds me of One Direction watt pad stories

FishBeanie May 1, 2021 7:48 am

You run into Harry styles in an elevator while reading a book. He tries to start a conversation with you but you feel irritated by his attempts, wanting nothing but to continue reading in peace.
Y/n: I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in what you’re saying, can you not see that I’m busy with this? (You nudge your head to point at the book in your arms)
Harry: You... don’t know who I am? I’m Harry Styles, from One Direction.
Y/n: the only Harry I know is Harry Potter, now please, let me get back to my reading. (You turn your attention back to the book, not noticing Harry’s affectionate stare at your eyes darting side to side as you read).
Harry: *thinks to himself ; hmm.. interesting.
