(Manga chapter 100) I'm confused??

Otaku1237 May 1, 2021 2:31 am

Why did they take an entire part from the novel out of the manga?? I felt like it was kinda important and it showed how strongly Slyvia cares for Authur (and Tess ig) and how badly Authur got hurt. It just makes zero sense,,,

"I jumped off of Torch as soon as I got close enough and rushed towards Arthur and Princess Tessia. Arthur was in bad shape. Most of his clothes were disintegrated, with only patches of his uniform intact and a strange bandage around his left arm. He was bloody all over and I could see deep gashes near his sides where a rib bone was visible. His body was wrapped around the princess and from what I could tell; he'd used most of his mana to protect her. Thanks to that, she was almost unscathed.

The rest of the students all rushed out of the viewing platform and made their way here. Fortunately, the princess was okay, but Arthur needed immediate attention. But as soon as I got close enough to try and help them, Arthur's little bond stopped me in my tracks.

"Grrr…" Normally, I'd find the small white fox that rode on top of Arthur's head cute, but right now, the killing intent it was giving off was anything but. The amount of pure menace radiating from that little fox was no joke. It seemed to be protecting its master and Princess Tessia.

"It's okay little buddy, I'm only trying to help." I tried to slowly ease my way closer but its growl only got louder. Torch, who was normally unafraid even in the chaos of battle, held me back with her beak clutching the back of my shirt.

"P-Professor, I-I didn't mean to. I mean, I didn't think Princess Tessia would suddenly faint." Curtis ran to me, his face pale in fright.

"It's alright, I know. I don't know how, but Arthur managed to protect the Princess. His bond won't let me get close to them though." I clenched my fists in frustration. Arthur needed immediate attention. Why was his bond risking his master's life by doing this? What was it trying to protect?

Curtis tried to get to Arthur and Tessia but failed as well, so we all just stood around the two of them. Every attempt at getting even a step closer to Arthur and Tessia resulted in the bond lashing out at us. "Someone get Director Goodsky!" I barked out. Some of the students regained their senses but when they were about to leave, a loud screech filled the air.

From above, a green owl soared down and landed in front of Arthur's bond.



"Kyu kyu~"


"A-Are they communicating?" Prince Glayder couldn't help but stammer out in confusion.

"I-I think so?" I scratched my head at this. Could mana beasts of different species communicate with each other?

As we all stood there, watching a white fox and a green owl 'talk', a couple of minutes later, Director Goodsky arrived looking quite flustered.

"Oh my." She kneeled in front of the two of them but this time, Arthur's bond didn't do anything to stop her.

"Director Goodsky…" Before I had the chance to tell her what happened, she stopped me.

"Please. I'll hear what happened later. Taking these two to the infirmary is top priority. I will take them myself. Go contact Guild Hall and have them send over their top healers," she said while levitating Arthur and the princess.

I gave her a nod before getting on top of Torch."

(novel chapter 57 "Family Gathering")

    melrodi May 1, 2021 2:46 am

    I didn’t read all of it but I remembered how Sylvie didn’t let anyone get close to Arthur or Tess until Goodsky’s companion showed up. It left everyone confused as to how they could communicate. But it was still endearing to see a protective Sylvie, she was also supposed to intimidate the students when Art was introduced as the professor. She plays such a major role later on and i don’t care about Art and Tess getting together. But I’ll be so pissed if our girl is robbed of her spotlight, the manhwa already took enough. I just hopes she wakes up soon cause im really missing her sassy and mature personality right now

    Tubichii May 1, 2021 2:46 am

    Damn... That's alot

    Otaku1237 May 1, 2021 2:56 am
    I didn’t read all of it but I remembered how Sylvie didn’t let anyone get close to Arthur or Tess until Goodsky’s companion showed up. It left everyone confused as to how they could communicate. But it w... melrodi

    Fr she felt like an actual person and character with feelings, now she feels like a cheap fluffy animal that's only there for merchandise and to get a quick buck; it's so shity.

    morribaka May 1, 2021 3:27 am

    I think while it does show the severity of arthur's wounds and sylvie's peronality, it would've taken a lot of panels to convey and would have considerably slowed down the pace. Also, not knowing this does not really effect the story and there will be more instances displaying sylvie's protectiveness of arthur

    melrodi May 1, 2021 4:01 am
    Fr she felt like an actual person and character with feelings, now she feels like a cheap fluffy animal that's only there for merchandise and to get a quick buck; it's so shity. Otaku1237

    Yes! Even Arthur admitted himself that sometimes Sylvie acted as a mother figure, or someone wise he can rely on for advice. Around this time of the novel she was still cute, but in the manhwa she’s kind of in between and it’s not very appealing. She just seems so basic and there’s no character. I would love it if they added more panels showing Sylvie being overprotective, it was also what started Goodsky’s suspicions of Arthur and it was really refreshing.