In my country there are so much sites blocked. And dolar is really expencive so if i want to read something i have wait so much so that i have enough money. I have like 8 manga apps. If i cant find or read a manga i read from here yes but if i find anywhere that i can read i wait uptade in here but go read in offical app. If you dont know anything dont make comment for me please. Just wish people can enjoy things much cheaper unlike how i am paying fortunes just for one chapter.

????? What is wrong with you? I use as a list in here, doesnt mean i read from here. I think you should go off from your high horse. People dont even care authors release free the mangas they read. As someone who thinks this is unfair for them is it wrong for me to say this? If you read from offical sites dont take the things i said to yourself. What i do with my account in here doesnt concern you because i know i pay the people who deserve unlike someone who talk about other people's business. People like you are the ones who dont deserve anything. You are acting like i said something bad????? What is your problem?

You really telling me you use mangago as a list for manga. Sis you should figure out some better lies lmao. There’s nth wrong with wanting to support the author, but you look like a whole hypocrite with a profile full of manga and webtoons, telling other people to support the author. All the people who say support the author while saying this on an illegal site, when they made an acc look like clowns.

I dont know what is it to you what i am doing with my account. Lol go off. I find so much mangas in here so that i can support people unlike you who dont care. I am not hypocrative if i am paying what i read. And it is you who real clown because the way you talking like you know me. I dont know what is hard to understand saying support someone who publish their work FREE instead of coming and just reading in here. And dont come to people if they arent in your business. People like you just know how to use keyboard without doing nothing all day and give people lessons acting like you are right about what you are saying. I dont care what you think about me but the way you make comments show you are one of the people who dont support authors. Instead of stalking my account (lol) go have a life outside of this site. Maybe than you will have to say something without underestimate someone you know nothing about. The way you talking show what kind of person you are. And the fact that still you act like i cant have any account in here when i am supporting authors enough, you act like you own here and you are the lawyer to the people who read just in illegal sites. Just wish you can use your brain more to understand what you read and dont try to bully people you dont know nothing about. This is almost like bullying and acting like you own me. Go off dont write anything. Better to block people like you actually so we dont have nothing to do each other..
This is free but people still reading from here. You guys dont deserve but some authors generous enough to uploading in a free app......