Well when you make a profile you will automatically get 5 bonus coins which can be used to buy chapters with. And some days in the week you wil get 1 bonus coin (you can collect them in “redeem gift” i think is called that) and in that way you can collect coin. (Thought coin can run out so you have to use them fast).
Some people suggested surveys, my app dosent have them anymore, and when they where I got 0 coins out of them, basically just waisted my time and got free virus..

If you create an account you'll get three free coins per week (coins are given every two days, in totals 3 coins a week which you can use to read weekly update blind play). There is also a free coin zone where you can get free coins by completing a mission/ offer (download some apps/play games etc.)
Also uploader mentioned a way to get free coin every week but I don't see it on the app or site??