This whole website is for stolen shit, maybe some people need to stop having such a double...

Megadumb-yes April 30, 2021 5:47 pm

This whole website is for stolen shit, maybe some people need to stop having such a double standard when it comes to their “work”. It isn’t yours either just because you translated it. As long as it’s getting uploaded we don’t care lol. I really hope this doesn’t get dropped :)

    mpregbitch April 30, 2021 5:56 pm

    LMFAOOOOO DO YOU REALIZE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND RN???? HAHAHAHHAHAA you're telling the original translators to get over having their hard work stolen from and then BLATANTLY ASKING THEM AFTERWARDS NOT TO DROP IT. FUCK YOU AND YOUR ENTITLEMENT this is why readers can't have nice things.