I think mc is dumb because if she was gonna break off the engagement with the fiancé THEN...

Kookoo April 30, 2021 5:11 pm

I think mc is dumb because if she was gonna break off the engagement with the fiancé THEN SHE SHOULDVE DONE SO. Even if the 5th prince convinced her not to in the end it’s her decision. But I’m gonna defend her too, I don’t think it’s mc’s fault that ml fell in love with her. This was an arranged marriage so they obviously didn’t click as much as ml hoped they did. The real problem is honestly the 5th prince, why go after your brothers fiancé? the mc is stupid periodt

    Realvnv April 30, 2021 5:46 pm

    5th prince isn't after who she really is, to him she's juat a daughter of marquess that's not to be triffled with. So, who cares if dates the bro lol? All he wants is the throne.
    For MC, she was head over heels for the 5th prince, and naturally wanted to him become an emperor. Her fiance would be dreadful threat if he got other supporters through marriage, so she just stayed engaged with him till the last moment so that he will be unprepaired. At that point I suspect MC already was brain ded from all the poison she took lol -god knows why she did- and didn't suspect 5th prince one bit.
    What I don't get is, why the hell would the crown prince want our MC? She back-stabbed him real good, dated his bro, yeeted his emperor status off the bridge... Why man?

    Cherlitz April 30, 2021 7:16 pm

    honestly, you can't really say she was stupid your opinion right now is clearheaded but at the time she was disillusioned. You have to acknowledge that she wasn't thinking with her head she was going with her emotions. When you're like this you're ignorant of the things around you and act in ways you wouldn't when you are clearheaded. From her view, she was convinced the 2nd prince was cold and wouldn't love her(or smtg like that) and she got why she desired from the 5th prince. love and attention. she was too absorbed in her own world and failed to notice the true intentions of both him and her cousin. when your emotions aren in their normal resting stat(neutral) you tend to act differently. for example when your mad you may vent and yell or say harsh things even if you dont mean them. or when your sad you cant geyt out of your negative thoughts. same with when your happy or exited you may do something on a whim which later on you realize was very embarrassing.

    I don't think anyone in any of these stories is at fault except one's own self. after all everyone has their own life agenda, what's different is the path they take to achieve that. I dont judge what the prince did to get what he wanted(doesnt mean i dont hate him) and while he may be at fault for throwing her away after using her, you cant deny the fact that she herself let him do that to her. It was time she got out of her illusion and began to live for herself.

    Kookoo April 30, 2021 9:09 pm
    honestly, you can't really say she was stupid your opinion right now is clearheaded but at the time she was disillusioned. You have to acknowledge that she wasn't thinking with her head she was going with her e... Cherlitz

    Wel you gotta understand she did say she had morals throughout explaining her past. Even if she was delusional she knew that she needed to break up. From what I can tell from the novel

    Kookoo April 30, 2021 9:16 pm
    honestly, you can't really say she was stupid your opinion right now is clearheaded but at the time she was disillusioned. You have to acknowledge that she wasn't thinking with her head she was going with her e... Cherlitz

    I also don’t think she’s reflecting on emotions, she obviously was out of her mind and that’s why I’m calling her stupid, she consumed poison and became simple minded. That she doesn’t understand her surroundings, like how she reflected now on how it was so obvious

    Kookoo April 30, 2021 9:31 pm
    honestly, you can't really say she was stupid your opinion right now is clearheaded but at the time she was disillusioned. You have to acknowledge that she wasn't thinking with her head she was going with her e... Cherlitz

    I think the plot is good I wish she had better character development though, I mean from a girl who was pretty pathetic and betrayed by her best friend and the love of her life. I would think she wouldn’t just switch and act all manipulative