"Do what's best for her" "He didn't know what she wanted" EXACTLY and that's what annoys "us", je didn't stop 5sec to even try to do what SHE wanted or ask what would make HER happy, not himself.
And I know he's a prince and he is "superior" but I despise people who insist on letting it known every time they open their mouth, you can act like a prince , give orders, "scold" .. without making people feel like shit. He doesn't even realize that when he does that he makes her uncomfortable.

Nope none at all, he will know by her eyes not her actions. Also remember he doesn't sympathize or empathize with normal people because he was raised to not care for anyone. I'm sure if he wanted to fire the guard he would of done so a.long time ago... he also doesn't know how to treat people kindly especially kids
Gosh Zed is annoying, I get being happy to meet your sister but could he care about her opinion and what she wants to do ? Chester is so much better in that aspect. I wish Chester would appear again soon and put his Lil bro in his place.
And I hate the way he treat Collin, once again I wish Chester would tell him "Collin works for ME"