Do you know what grooming is? It’s when a grown adult has taken advantage of a young child since adolescence while transitioning into adulthood to essentially manipulate the child into liking them. Tooru didn’t talk to Hikaru back when they first met all those years with the intention to make him fall for him it’s not his fault he made Hikaru gay. Not his problem tbh.. Nor was he able to groom Hikaru because they didn’t even talk all those years
By the time they met again Hikaru was a legal adult who was able to consent, the age gap might be disturbing but it’s not grooming
I hate it when people call shit grooming without even knowing what actual grooming is

well if it's not grooming then, he's a straight up pedophile, Hikaru is in college that's fucking weird, are we even reading the same thing, in chap 1 he didn't push the kid away and gave in without knowing how old he is, on chap 2 his dad said "you're not at the proper age to be doing those things"
"you are still a child" him not even denying it
how is it not Tooru problem having sex with a kid and romantically inducing him into falling for him not grooming, u seriously victim blaming or what?
What's the gap age between Hikaru & Toru San