looking for yaoi manga where the uke is deliquent who see his senpai who was also deluquen...

sakurakou April 29, 2021 7:24 pm

looking for yaoi manga where the uke is deliquent who see his senpai who was also deluquent in high school graduate from the deliquent lifestyle and wear suit became respectful adult and he was happy to see his senpai but then the seme senpai tell him that it time for him to think of his future seriously and abound the deliquent lifestyle he get mad cuz he was inspired by his senpai to became deliquent and kind suck his dick and confusess his love for senpai , but in end he also graduate from the deliquent life and became adult and story end at that he the uke have mole under his eye .

hope someone know the title , I am not sure if it was oneshot or story in manga xD
