Hmm I really like this manga and maybe I have to read it again to understand, but isn't So...

YQi April 29, 2021 6:18 pm

Hmm I really like this manga and maybe I have to read it again to understand, but isn't Soo young's relationship with Ji-sung and Tae-sung basically the same in terms of power dynamic? Soo young didn't want to depend on Ji-sung when he hurt his leg because he didn't want to be pitied or give up his independence (?) And then we found out Ji-sung was actually a little yandere, rapey, and had control over soo young . Tae-sung was different because he wanted to start their relationship off on the right foot after their messy first encounter by respecting him, "wanting to start with hand-holding", worrying about him, and saving him whenever he's in trouble. I won't comment on the whole Tae-sung put Soo young in danger on purpose to get him to realize how fucked up things can get, whatever, his love is twisted. But afterward, sooyoung is perfectly ok with relying on him and being treated like a puppy? And getting punished for doing things he would've done before? And being ok with abuse because it's during sex? I guess you can say he's tired of fighting and wants to put his trust into Tae-sung but what would be different if he gave into Ji-sung instead? It makes it seem like it was inevitable for sooyoung to end up in his position because of the abuse he suffered growing up, whether it was then with Ji-sung, or now with Tae-sung, or in the future with anyone who has some form of power over him. I don't know, shit don't add up but I'm still going to keep reading this in hopes of sooyoung gaining some type of autonomy

    I'm handsome April 29, 2021 7:28 pm

    as i know sooyoung actually desperate for affection since he always abused by his dad when he was younger. He become strong because no one can protect him, only himself. Ji sung hyung treated sooyoung quite harsh like hitting him when they had sex but taesung never hit sooyoung just they're exploring kinky play. Taesung gave what sooyoung want. He want to always feel protected (tho he never know taesung manipulative plan) so taesung always warn sooyoung that he will lock him up if he hurt (which i believe it make sooyoung fell for that). He always want someone who put him top priority. Jisung hyung can't do that because of his dad didn't approve their relationship but taesung had power and make sooyoung his top priority. No one can say no. I can say they are obsess to each other and love in their own way. And sooyoung is such a baby. He actually wanted to be spoiled. Jisung alwys taught him to fight and strong, but taesung is so strong and will fight for him. You can see he always act like a spoiler child when he was with taesung like kneeding taesung's hand,. Thwacking taesung chest because he was sulking and whining because he smiled to a woman. Dude is yakuza but he spoiled his baby too much so he could act freely and all cute

    Kiko April 29, 2021 8:13 pm

    I really can’t explain it but for someone like soo you g who been through so much it’s so good to just finally stop struggling and be with someone in charge who takes care of you and loves you like a pet just carefree for once

    Ishuca April 30, 2021 1:12 am

    Taesung didn't rape sooyoung like jisung. He stopped in middle of his orgasms for the sake of sooyoung's energy. They have rough sex which sooyoung enjoys but it's not rape