Yes, he wants to keep his scholarship that got him to even go to this kind of school he would need to get top grades at least in the top 3 or top 5. If he drops he risks losing his scholarship and his goal of climbing out of poverty. Or is that reason not good enough for you and you only want some smexy BL scenes where ther uke just accepts abd spreads his legs for that trashy seme's advances? I would be very upset and would want nothing to do with the seme, too, if I were in his shoes.
And besides, Korean/ Asian schools are a lot different and very competitive and demanding of their students then many other schools. That is why some students are so stressed that some of them even commit suicide because of the weight.

Also, the story shows that the first place goes to that douche of a seme and the second place goes to psycho rich boy. But th point Jiwook is angry is because he lied and dropped ranks enough thag coukd cause him to lose his scholarship. If he dropped just a little I don't think he wpuld have acted the way he did. In the story we clearly see that because of that dpuchebag Jiwook became so distracted because of him to the point that he could not even concentrate for the exam. So that tells me that Jiwook fell more than one or two ranks. He dropped so far that he is about to lose his scholarship because of that trash.

Sorry but Jiwook has to take some of the blame here. He let himself become distracted. Sure he feels betrayed that Seungeon lied to him about needing help with his studies, which I can understand, but at the end of the day he clearly wasn't putting the work in. Seungeon even offered to help him study but Jiwook is so stubborn and full of pride that he refuses his help like an idiot. It's unfair to blame Seungeon for everything here. He may have contributed but it wasn't his fault Jiwook did poorly in his exams

This whole predicament is due to that bastard's ingerference in his studies? If Jiwook never spoke or met that bastard he would have done perfevtly fine. If thay bastard could have taken no for an answer instead of pestering Jiwook to the pkint that he had to beg him to leave him for a day so he could study but he could not accept that and only left Jiwook alone when Jiwook decided to give him his ass after the exams. Other then that he kept interferring with the boy and claiming he needed tutoring when he knew he didn't need it being the first place rank that he was. All those times Jiwook "helped" tutor him could have beeb time spent studying for his own exam. But noooo. He had to be the selfish douch that he was because he just couldn't take no for an answer. He wormed and wormed himself in using "studying" as his key to get closer to Jiwook and literally and figuratively speaking fucked him over. Jiwook would have done just fine if he never came into his life. He did it before up until now but because of that selfish asshole his ranking drops but you still want to sit here and say that this was his fault when all the fault shkuld fall on the sonavabitch? I don't get your thinking at all.

Seungeon is partially to blame for sure. He lied just to get close to Jiwook and spend them with him and selfishly never thought about how this could affect Jiwook. But Jiwook let himself get distracted because he really likes Seungeon despite himself. He's upset at the thought of Seungeon never speaking to him again but needs to put his studies first. I get he is stubborn and has alot or pride but Seungeon is ranked no1, I think getting his help now would be the best solution

At this point we don't know how far his grades have fallen, but from his reaction it must be pretty bad. He definately isn't ranked no2 - that blond psycho is. He lied to Jiwook about doing badly so he would get him on side for malicious reasons.
The parallel between him and Seungeon is quite interesting... Seungeon liked as a way to spend time with his crush. Blondie is lying because he wants to hurt Jiwook and get one over on Seungeon

He was not safe in the ranks. What don't you get? The story cmearly says that he will now have to be paying his own tuition fees because he will lost his scholarship because he dropped his ranking below what the scholarship allows and he doesn't have the money to continue paying for his tuition since he is so poor and it is a very exlensive school and a very hard school to get into. The whole reason why he went to this particular school and got a scholarship was so that he could get himself out of poverty. That is the benefits thay coms with going to this school. He did not fmgo to that school to be pushed around by some asshole and fuck that same asshole because he can't take no for an answer. So how can you sit here and claim he is whining when he has every right to whine because all the hard work he put in to getting into this school and getting his scholarship was ruined because that dickwad. Unless you think hard work and him trying to get hinself out of poverty is less important then him warming up to some asshole and getting his ass fucked. You people are a special breed of people.

How is that bastard "partially to blame"? I wouldn't want to be tutored by that fuckwad, too, because of what he has done. And you are saying Jiwook is in love with that guy now, yes, but was he in love with the bastard before he tried interferring with him using studying as his excuse? No. He was avoiding him and wanted nothing to do with him and he was also doing just fine before he even ever interacted him before coming back to school. And if that ass didn't force his way into the boys life Jiwook would have gone on studying just fine and kept his scholarship. But nooooo, because he is such a selfish asshole and prick and could not accept that Jiwook was not responding to his advances he used studying to get to him. How can you not see how wrong that is and claim he is only "partially" to blame for this? I know you people only care about seeing men fuck and I do, too, but it is assasinine that you are blaming Jiwook for later developing feelings for this prick after spending all that time with him helping him "study" which of course, then caused his emotions to cloud his judgement and distract him from studying. His distraction was not caused by himself because Jiwook was doing just fine before without that asshole. The culprit that caused Jiwook to get distracted due to his feeling for him and because the ass couldn't take no for an answer was that bitchass douchebag. How can you blame Jiwook when the culprit behind his lack of studying is that bitch? You people really are special that you cannot understand something this basic?

I though he was knocked down only a few ranks(from top 1 to 2 or3), that’s where I am coming from. I clearly said that in my post and reply. If it wasn’t obvious, I misunderstood. Then if he was not in the list then fine, I get why he was sulking. You could’ve corrected me properly but you went and assume things and is clearly out of the line, my dear. Calm the fuck down.

Girl chiiiiiiiiill out. It's just fiction. If you hate the relationship so much why are you still reading it? Seungeon may have been selfish but at the end of the day he's a 17 yr old boy with a crush. He just wanted Jiwook to notice him. And he has been making efforts to control his temper and become a better person. Not excusing the crummy things he did in the past but at least he is trying. And by this point in the story its fairly obvious Jiwook has attracted to Seungeon from the beginning, but was warey of him

Jiwook himself admitted that he himself was to blame for getting himself distracted and agreed with the seme when he said,"If it was so much more important you then you should have worked harder." I think he stopped talking to the seme for 2 reasons:
1. he lied
2. the problem was that Jiwook was distracted by him and so by eliminating the seme Jiwook wouldnt be distracted anymore.
Jiwook acknowledges that he is partly to blame and by cutting off contact with the seme he is trying to correct his own wrongdoings.
Also the seme liked him ALOT and was desperate for attention. Dont chatise someone for wanting to get closer to their crush. Although I do admit he went about it the wrong way, I see why he did it with no bad intentions.

Have you ever heard the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". He shoukd have definitely gone about it another way but if someone keeps avoiding you maybe you should just let it go. Not chase after then like some kind of desperate stalker. Many people, myself included, do not like pushy desperate boys or men chasing after us. Most people in the real world would consider that guy creap and would want nothing to do with him. But apparently in a lot of BL if the guy ain't aggressive, pushy and psycho the ukes almost never falls for them. It's almost a given in BL and it is starting to become real annoying. If he wanted to get closer to him using studying why did he not ofder to tutor Jiwook in the first place instead of the other wat around considering he IS the top ranking student. That would have made way more sense then interfering with his studying like that. But he didn't.

How can I be chill when people on here is literally excusing this sorry excuse of fictional character for his shittiness and say that "at least he's trying". Do you know how many BLs I have read where there are people defending the rapist, the abuser, the stalker i the commets and finding every excuse in the book to not hold the character accountable for their actions and go on to blame the victim? Too many to even count. He may be an annoying 17 year old but with a crush but not all crushes get to be realized. And he did not leave the boy alone when he say he was being avoided by Jiwook. He is not the only 17 year old boy in this world who has had a crush. He is jusg a 17 year old boy who jist can't take a no for an answer and has to have everything his way just because his family happens to be filthy rich. Life does not work that way. He cannot have everything he desires.
For one, that bastard's attitude and behaviour up until now has been beyond just "crummy" he was a total ass. And it was not just "in the past". If someone slaps you in the face yesterday or last week would you want anything to do with them the next day? Sure, there were a few cute moments but the negative outways the cute moments, in my opinion. He is an aggresive, selfish, inconsiderate bastard but apparently a lot of you like these kinds of semes. Which, I guess, explains why there are so many toxic BL stories because the genre is so popular and people just love making excuses for these scumbags. I have no problem reading this kind of many which is why I continue to read it but what annoys and pisses me off is when people make excuses for dicks like this guy. Reading some of your comments make me have a new understanding why toxic and abusive relationship lasts so long when they coukd have been avoided in its early stages or ended a long time before it gets serious.

Not every story has to be a cute fluffy romance. It's good to see different types of relationships portrayed in media, including problematic ones. I personally enjoy the drama, both good and bad. I can differentiate reality from fiction. Don't try and ridicule others for enjoying a story or it's characters just because you can't tell the difference.

I can tell the difference can you? I know how to also enjoy a story and I do also read Painter of the night I just don't romanticize the hell out of it and oretend that there is no problem in tge story like so many of you are doing here. You can both ebjoy a story and hold shitty characters accountable for their actions. That id actually a thing
Is he worrying about getting knocked down to 2nd place? I mean schools give scholarships to those that meet a certain gpa and not just to be top 1. Is it just for plot convenience -_-