do u know what misogyny means?.. i haven't said any violent threats towards her, *a fictional character* but no one's promoting violence against women by saying 'i want to punch her' to a woman who's sexually harassing men as well as fetishizing the lgbtq community. no one is saying they want to punch ALL women or women in general, they're just saying her character.

1. What did that have to do with anything
2. Yaoi is targeted towards women? Like it has been traditionally targeted towards women and there’s nothing wrong with reading it if you’re not fetishizing actual lgbtq relationships.
3. Okay if you felt that people getting mad over a fictional character is weird; literally domt go on the internet? Characters are there to evoke emotion; good or bad. If you don’t like it- simply do not participate- as you said it’s a fictional character!

?? like you said, she's a fictional character? what's so bad about people wanting to slap or yell at her for her actions? no one wants to be violent on her for being a certain gender.. they just don't like her character because she's stalking them, harassing them and may even sexually harass them in the future. of course some people would want her gone. it may be uncomfy for you to see a fictional character getting 'threats' but it's uncomfy to me to even see her character since she portrays how some people are to the lgbtq+ community in real life.

Because. Yaoi. Fetishizes. Gay men...?
Like, I'm sorry, do I have to spell that out for you? Ppl in here wanna kill her BUT GUESS WHAT HOMIE. FUJOSHI ARE USUALLY THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE PEOPLE TO BE AROUND AS A GAY MAN AFTER HOMOPHOBES :D. And no idc what YOU think yaoi does, because I didn't go through the weird shit i did for some rando on the internet to just say I'm in the wrong..?
Also, I love how me thinking that people are getting too emotional over a fucking fictional character makes ME unfit for the internet. Yea, characters and stories evoke emotion. But the amount of questionable semi-seripus rage is just sad.
Either way idgaf

Homie I've had threats made to me for being queer, I'm like a 2 in 1 mega giga combo. 11/10 double homo combo with cream on top
And like that wasn't even the point i was making, i was rather saying it's sad how oddly seriously enraged people are over a fictional character like go kill irl homophobes fr

ive also had threats made to me for being lgbtqia but it doesnt bother me how people are threatening a FICTIONAL character for actions they did. the 'threats' people are making aren't even real threats, are you expecting them to actually kill or hit a 2D fictional character?? people are only making these 'threats' bc she's a *character* harassing and stalking characters they like, not because she's homophobic or a woman or lgbtq. it's not like anyone is actually able to do anything except wish for the author to write her off in some way.

I see what ur trying to say but yea no. Crazy that you had people fetishize you and act weird but that really has nothing to do with the rest of the people who read bl. Okay those people might have read bl but that’s not the reason they fetishize; they do it because they’re fucked up. I don’t let the stuff I read impact any of there relationships I have with my gay peers and friends. BL is literally A GENRE; you cannot sit here and say we can’t read it because people you know have let it affect their relationships with gay people..

Hun, there is a difference between bl and yaoi. Why do you think so much yaoi contains themes of rape? Why do you think so many are of toxic relationships being normalised? Why do you think SO MANY yaoi fans just assumed killing stalking was a yaoi?
There's just a core issue when you create an LGBT comic targeted at people that aren't members of that community, and written by similar people. You can't quite write something you've never experienced. And by having people read and take the information in yaoi at face value it creates a ton of misconceptions. It leads to a toxic community that just feels weird and fetishy and a bit gross at times. That's all I was saying really

I’m not saying bl and yaoi don’t have deep problems rooted in them because they sure nough do, but that’s something the artist and the creators need to check. I started reading bl because regular stuff started becoming redundant and bl and yaoi happen to have diverse plots, some women start it for other reasons. At the end of the day it’s a piece of media that I and others enjoy that shouldn’t be policed. What DOES need to be fixed is the misconception that these represent real lgbt relationships because they dint. And I would like to think many women understand that. So all in all I personally believe that as long as a person respects lgbt relationships consuming this media shouldn’t be a problem

1. Have u ever read shoju or josei. Half of them are the same plot over and over again
2. I find it so weird how u say u have a problem with girls reading bl because it’s fetishization and then assume everyone reads it for sex. It had a whole story OTHER than smut which I tend to enjoy.
3. It’s so funny how u are literally trying to police attraction and call it fetishization.... if I did like gay porn it would literally make no difference because once again it has no relations to the fetishization irl gay people if I choose to watch it.
Look I hate her character too but can we stop with all the comments about wanting to physically hurt her? Violence against women isn’t some fun thing to bond over in the comments. There’s seriously so much misogyny here. you can talk about how much you dislike her without talking about wanting to murder her...