Names hehe (a little Korean lesson)

Whatsupthesky57 April 29, 2021 9:55 am

Um... idk if people need to know this, but some people might be curious about their names:

Park ‘Star’, his real name (in Korean) is Park Bae Woo (박배우) Bae Woo (W is silent) means actor or in this case ‘Star’. In ep 36, you see on Star’s phone, it says PARKBWBWBW (or something like that) BW is short for Bae Woo

Also ‘Fanboy’, his original Korean name is (김남팬) translating to Kim Nam Fan. Nam Fan basically means ‘boy fan’ (Nam is short for boy, Nam Ja (남자) means ‘man/male/boy’) so that’s why his name is Fan Boy, it would be weird if his name was ‘Boy Fan’

lol idk if I explained this well, oh well

    Nat April 29, 2021 10:00 am

    Oml I love this