I liked the the fact that in the extra Kuroda wasn't excused. He was given more dimensions...

aerslevdi April 28, 2021 8:22 pm

I liked the the fact that in the extra Kuroda wasn't excused. He was given more dimensions as a character, but you don't really feel sorry for him.
About the ending now, I understand why Tooru didn't want to vocalise his "I love you too" and instead show it through his acts. After everything that went through for him, I can understand. It wasn't just out of guilt, but even in Kuroda's extra Tooru is shown to put more weight in actions than words. Thing is, I would have loved to see Katsuya realise this. We are shown a glimpse of it, but I wish we could have seen him fully noting how Tooru expresses his love through his actions and that they are not for atonement
