My man Claude better wake his fucking ass up,, Gallahan ang Rudieger are making advances to take best father (and father figures)
I love Claude but Gallahan is miles ahead of him when it comes to being a daddy... I mean a dad (▰˘◡˘▰)
Hes still not awake?? Its been months they need to hurry that shit up
Yeah people were saying he was gonna wake up soon 20 chapters ago lol so who knows at this point
Ill start reading again when he comes back and kicks his brothers ass
Who is Gallahan?
The papa in "I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life" HE'S THE BEST!!!
The best motherfucking father ive ever seen
My man Claude better wake his fucking ass up,, Gallahan ang Rudieger are making advances to take best father (and father figures)