Ya'll overreacting over a Shampooness

S q u e l c h April 28, 2021 1:18 pm

What if it is she used a shampoo for " pubic hairs " ? U knw japan kinda advnce about such stuffs.
She ddnt even say *I used my Hair Shampoo to wash my pussy that's why it became smooth and silky*
gosh common sense please kiddos

    Colorful clouds July 2, 2021 12:28 am

    pubic/vaginal shampoo/soap isnt that weird... were people questioning that? its even recommended to use them instead of regular soap

    U w U July 2, 2021 9:58 am
    pubic/vaginal shampoo/soap isnt that weird... were people questioning that? its even recommended to use them instead of regular soap Colorful clouds

    Yepp go further with the comments u can see a lot of them reacting over the FL using a shampoo on her vajeyjey. ~ i kennat

    Cringy_Weeb February 18, 2025 2:00 am

    ikr it's normal tbh... (might be TMI) i use shampoo and conditioner because it keeps it smooth and well hydrated and decreases ingrown hairs and stuff for me. but I'm also a guy so