Can someone explain the latest chapter

t0mie April 28, 2021 10:36 am

No offense to the translator but it's a bit hard to understand especially with English not being my native language, can someone explain what happened a bit better?

    simpforitachi April 28, 2021 10:47 am

    basically the mc (main character) doesn’t want to have anything to do with the black haired boy and now his starting to hang around the blonde guy and they’re going to drink together

    jinsleftfoot April 28, 2021 10:49 am

    The bottom still likes the top even tho they are not meant to be together, so the bottom decided to swop seats because he doesnt want to be close to the top, but he was crying

    Then the other dude is lying about being 2nd in the grade, obviously trying to get close to the bottom

    And the bottom being the bottom, when the other dude asks to go have a drink with him after school he agrees

    Also the bottom has to buy his own food from now on because he isn't with the top anymore

    t0mie April 28, 2021 10:51 am
    The bottom still likes the top even tho they are not meant to be together, so the bottom decided to swop seats because he doesnt want to be close to the top, but he was cryingThen the other dude is lying about ... jinsleftfoot

    What did it mean by the blonde talking about his grades being a secret? Was he top of the class and wants it to be hush or is he failing? That part confused me

    simpforitachi April 28, 2021 10:53 am
    What did it mean by the blonde talking about his grades being a secret? Was he top of the class and wants it to be hush or is he failing? That part confused me t0mie

    is also top of the class

    jinsleftfoot April 28, 2021 10:54 am
    What did it mean by the blonde talking about his grades being a secret? Was he top of the class and wants it to be hush or is he failing? That part confused me t0mie

    He wants to keep it a secret, just like how the top kept it a secret from the bottom

    simpforitachi April 28, 2021 10:54 am
    is also top of the class simpforitachi

    the blonde guy is also top of the class and doesn’t want the mc to know

    jinsleftfoot April 28, 2021 10:54 am
    What did it mean by the blonde talking about his grades being a secret? Was he top of the class and wants it to be hush or is he failing? That part confused me t0mie

    I think his going to use it to become closer to the bottom

    Sannanana April 28, 2021 10:56 am
    What did it mean by the blonde talking about his grades being a secret? Was he top of the class and wants it to be hush or is he failing? That part confused me t0mie

    Blondie got 2nd highest score nd the seme 1st. Basically blondie wants sympathy from jiwook and is manipulating him that's why he lied. Also it might be because he hates being below the seme.