aight so i reread the whole thing

babakaboo April 28, 2021 12:08 pm

since everyone is so angry at yoonseul i reread the whole thing bc tbh i didn’t rly remember much, so here’s just a few things:

for one, yoonseul is really straightforward and analytical in his thinking, meaning, he has an idea of how something is supposed to go and acts accordingly to get to his goal.

secondly, he’s awfully impulsive, and i think he’s partly aware of that, since he’s going great lengths to appear pleasant to the people he wants to appeal to, but let’s out his shitty temper around his siblings and his freckle friend. he’s an all according to keikaku kinda guy, while joon in the other hand is straight forward with his emotions. that’s not necessarily a bad thing, a lot of people who‘re bad in social situations operate like that, esp nd people. i’m not saying that yoonseul is nd or anything like that, but i do relate to the way he goes about things.

another thing is, that he never meant to hurt joon or lead him on in the first place. he was trying to be his friend, since they didn’t have any sort of relationship before that and he wanted to apologize. the sincerity of his apology is debatable no doubt and i wish the author would’ve included his thought process on what he would do if joon wouldn’t want anything to do with him, but looking at his personality he would’ve just left him alone i think (sidenote: i do get the desperation behind wanting the dreams to stop though and the idea of going to the root of the problem, my sleep problems stem mostly from nightmares). i know its often said that intention doesn’t matter if someone gets hurt in the end, but i do think it’s a situational thing, i’d look at this very differently if yoonseul was following the ‘make him fall in love w me for fun’ trope.

as i said he’s impulsive, and that paired with 1) alcohol tearing down his otherwise solid inhibitions, 2) him being comfortable with being casual with joon and 3) with joon also being drunk, the kiss was also an accident, not a calculated try to lead him on. if you want other examples of him being impulsive: ofc his big shithead moment after the confession in ch. 9, him putting on the sweater in ch. 12, running out and leaving breakfast after the whole blind date thing in ch. 15 and him smiling and taking joon’s hands in ch. 16.

what i find most interesting is that in this quest, yoonseul‘s goal really was friendship. he didn’t really waste a thought on joon being potentially gay and i also don’t think he’s homophobic or anything, even if he’s been going on about how two guys couldn’t do this or that, it’s always with him in context. he didn’t dislike joon for confessing to him but he disliked a guy confessing to him bc he thought of himself as straight. but when he dreamt of these false scenarios of actually being awful to joon and calling him disgusting or making him cry he denounced that. as i said, he has an idea of how things are supposed to go and that includes himself, and diversion makes his brain hurty. he’s shit at emotional intelligence, especially when it comes to himself and has narrowed it down to when he should be pleasantly smiling and when he can let his emotions roam. in that context, not being able to imagine kissing joon also makes sense.

another thing is the first confession; i don’t think you can equate the outcome from that to the outcome of the second one. they actually have a relationship now and they’re grown, they should be between 25 and 30. obviously yoonseul had even worse impulsivity when he was younger and from what i can tell, he’s mostly grown in terms of keeping that under wraps and being more calculating, while joon has grown a lot in terms of confidence and empathy. idk if he said that he’s already forgotten about it to be kind, but i do hope he actually has, bc i loathe the ‘ive been in love with you this whole time‘ bullshit and it would be wasteful after he had such a hard time after the first confession, and how his whole shiny image of yoonseul was probably shattered. a lot of shit we experience when we are younger seem like the end of the world when they happen and even weeks or months after, but at some point, it just kind of fades away. and simultaneously a lot of kids are impulsive and don’t think right in the moment. a lot of you probably hurt someone with something you thought of as trivial and may never find out about it. i don’t think yoonseul was actually aware of how much damage his little outburst caused, even though he did regret it right after and this quality of him recognizing when he actually steps out of line is something that comes up again and again. it’s nice i think, him being frustrated over himself and calling himself a piece of shit, even without really knowing how to fix it. all he knows to do is to apologize, but in ch. 19 his usually overconfident self doesn’t even have the confidence to do that.

as a last thing, i’d like for you to keep in mind that even though yoonseul is the mc, he’s kind of selfish and kind of a douche. i may seem like a yoonseul apologist, but really i just find him kind of interesting, i don’t think i like him that much, at least by himself. i also thought he was vain at first, but really i believe he thinks of his looks as something like a commodity that warrants confidence. and he’s obviously been pampered bc of his looks. maybe he’s got some kinda complex along the lines of good looks spoiled by a rotten personality going on but tbh i don’t know, though i would like to know whether he does have some kind of insecurity. but yea, his selfishness kind of comes with the way he thinks and i don’t actually think that’s bad, some people are just like that without actively trying to disregard or discredit others and joon is actually a good balance to that. the confidence in his looks and his looks themselves are also generally fine, but when he gets overconfident i.e. this whole idea of the fucking apology or how he relies on his looks in the beginning, just writes douche. i kinda hope joon calls him out on that.

if yoonseul had some emotional intelligence, i think he’d actually be good at manipulating people lmao.

yea that’s my Thoughts.
TL;DR: yoonseul is quite interesting to me and i don’t think he’s that bad, just a little to rigid in his thinking. for a manwha character he’s very human, and in that sense, i like him. i’d like to see him get humbled a little and maybe actually sincerely apologize, for whatever he and also joon deems deserving of one in the end. also i hope to god, if he gets nightmares again, that they aren’t about the confession again, bc that’d be redundant. i’d like him to think out of the box for once, at least as well as he can.
maybe i’ll write another essay after the next few chaps or maybe i’ll drop it if it runs in the wall lmaoo let’s see.

if you’ve made it through this useless piece of text, here, you deserve a cookie
