Confusion. =-='

ShadowDragon April 27, 2021 1:39 pm

Okey... I've read this a couple of times, yet I still don't understand what the emperor WANTS or NEEDS from trashta! Like, what does he see in her!? What's the appeal??? WHY DOES HE LIKE HER?!?!? Naiver is SOOO amazing, so I don't understand why he suddenly wanted this hag with him, who talks in third person like a idiot and is A COMPLETE CRYBABY. (srslystopcryingsomuchfornoreason-)

    remmiiii April 27, 2021 1:47 pm

    i think it's because rashta likes him and growing up it was an "unrequited love" for him to navier. Like growing up he was constantly trying to get her praise or something and he just grew tired of it I guess or maybe she's just trying to make navier jealous. But i may be wrong since i just read the novel with a google translate of the korean raws

    remmiiii April 27, 2021 1:49 pm

    also rashta talking in third person was a result of people constantly viewing her as an object growing up. People often talk to her as an object like she wasn't worth anything. Anyways i can't help but feel bad for her even though she's done bad things

    ShadowDragon April 27, 2021 1:55 pm
    also rashta talking in third person was a result of people constantly viewing her as an object growing up. People often talk to her as an object like she wasn't worth anything. Anyways i can't help but feel bad... remmiiii

    I found out she just did it to make her herself more 'innocent' and 'harmless', she does it on purpose #-.-)

    remmiiii April 27, 2021 2:25 pm
    I found out she just did it to make her herself more 'innocent' and 'harmless', she does it on purpose #-.-) ShadowDragon

    idk i still feel bad about her y know. I wouldn't how to survive if i was raped, manipulated and lied about an existance of your child

    remmiiii April 27, 2021 2:25 pm
    I found out she just did it to make her herself more 'innocent' and 'harmless', she does it on purpose #-.-) ShadowDragon

    know how*

    _.Chaos._ April 27, 2021 6:12 pm

    He doesn't see anything in her in just that she is pregnant with "his baby" and since navier is infertile he can't have a heir with her, and if he doesn't get a heir soon he will have to give up his position as emperor. so he is using trashta