
i think it's because rashta likes him and growing up it was an "unrequited love" for him to navier. Like growing up he was constantly trying to get her praise or something and he just grew tired of it I guess or maybe she's just trying to make navier jealous. But i may be wrong since i just read the novel with a google translate of the korean raws
Okey... I've read this a couple of times, yet I still don't understand what the emperor WANTS or NEEDS from trashta! Like, what does he see in her!? What's the appeal??? WHY DOES HE LIKE HER?!?!? Naiver is SOOO amazing, so I don't understand why he suddenly wanted this hag with him, who talks in third person like a idiot and is A COMPLETE CRYBABY. (srslystopcryingsomuchfornoreason-)