Ive seen the raws and in hangul(korean characters) the child is spelt 루카 or pronounced as`ruka´ and the aunt is spelt 유디트 or pronounced as`yuditeu´ im guessing that the english spell doesnt matter much since we all know how weird english sounds may deviate from its spelling however, it can be Luca/Luka and Eudith/Yudith

It shouldnt be too difficult but for me id always stick with the first name translation. -Luca and Judith- suddenly reading a differrent name spelling may shocked me a bit but not as much as i was shocked whilst reading ORV's light novel's name changes imagine sticking to the same names from 1-400 chapters then it changed for the rest 150+ chapters that did gave me quite a headache
im seriously having migraine abt the correct spelling of their names @_@ luka or luca? yudith or judith? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜