Seems like actual child porn

Horny Hamster April 26, 2021 6:04 pm

I’ll try to give y’all the benefit of the doubt that he might not be a child... he still LOOKS like one! And people saying how “sexy” and “hot” this is is actually really disturbing... this just feel like some pedo shit... but please defend it I wanna see what yer defense is... other than “he probably isn’t a child! It’s not child porn! It’s just fiction!” That last one annoys me when people use that because “it’s just fiction” is like saying “it’s just fictional CHILD PORN” like... okay? And it’s still WRONG AND GROSS! It’s just so fucked up... hate on me all you want but at the end of the day y’all still calling this child like uke cute and sexy... If it turns out he is like 18 or older I’d feel a bit better... even tho I feel like the seme should of waited to touch him or have sex with him till he was idk LOOKING LESS LIKE A FUCKING CHILD (as in feed him an fatten him up for a couple of years before touching him)

    bigchicken April 26, 2021 6:27 pm


    LaMishilanga April 26, 2021 6:49 pm
    YOU SAID IT SO WELL THANK U bigchicken

    I think he's +18 yrs old but I agree that we shouldn't see underage uke with over age seme like something yummy and support it since it pedo (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Yaoimylifeಡ ʖ ಡ April 26, 2021 7:05 pm

    I have no proof, but I'm hoping the uke is just one of those ukes that looks younger than he is. I also think that what the seme is doing is not love, but lust. I think the uke is just mistaking it for love because the uke probably is one of those people that think only people that love each other do something like kissing and touching. Tho that is only what I came up with.

    Hwlins April 26, 2021 7:41 pm

    I mean he had no choice but to love him since hes “disappearing” but yeah i agree if hes 18+ maybe that would feel better. Theres A LOT of pov to why he looks small. One of it from my POV maybe hes malnourished and the world he is in, the ppl there are bigger than humans. isnt the seme like half human half elf? It could probably be that those magical creatures are bigger than humand and hes just malnourished. Maybe if he take cares of himself, exercise, and eat properly then yeah he could grow big. OR the author just like “child like” looking ukes idk.

    coffeedrinker April 26, 2021 11:17 pm

    I mean, I agree w you for the most part but I feel the need to mention there are real adults in this world who can look like children, and that doesn’t mean they are undesirable or unloveable, or that they need to be fixed before they can be viewed in a sexual light.

    I look 14 despite being an adult so this topic is a lil... personal for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hwlins April 27, 2021 4:10 am

    Yeah i agree w you but bc were talking about the manga then yeah he needs to be loved to not disappear. We can see in the future chapters if he actually grows up ╥﹏╥ hope the author doesnt like child like looking ukes

    Milkywaysssssssss April 28, 2021 1:28 am

    Hes not a child dumbass.

    Horny Hamster April 28, 2021 4:22 am
    Hes not a child dumbass. Milkywaysssssssss

    Where does it say he’s not a child? And he still LOOKS LIKE ONE ITS UNCOMFORTABLE! ITS LIKE WATCHING A LITERAL CHILD BEING FUCKED! but hey if that turns you on... yer nasty... go away.