I love the happy ending tho.

mar05_gall April 26, 2021 4:14 pm

I'm so confused...

    i fucking love albedo April 27, 2021 11:51 am

    i get it. it was a little confusing for me too the first time i read it. i had to reread the entire thing a second time to get it.

    basically yahiro (the black haired teacher) has memories of yosuke haruoki (past life) while yoshitake (white haired teacher) has memories of mikumo.

    one night yahiro and yosuke switch consciousness (basically its kinda like yosuke possessed yahiro? so yosuke thinks he’s the original body and the memories of his life as yahiro are just “the afterlife”) and yoshitake kinda feels the difference..

    yahiro and yosuke switches back when yoshitake kinda begs yosuke to give him back yahiro and in some kind of other world dimension mikumo meets yosuke and persuades him to give consciousness back to yahiro.

    so at the end of the manga both mikumo and yosuke “left” their present bodies (meaning the present yahiro and yoshitake both still have the memories but their consciousness are now fully theirs and not shared with the past lives) and they live happily ever after ^_^

    someone in the comments said the way you can tell when yahiro became yosuke and vice versa is you can tell how his cat reacts (it hisses when yahiro became yosuke but starts becoming affectionate with him again when yosuke left the body) and i think its a really good significance.