i think i called it last episode. i think it's gonna end up like the beginning of the story when we started. even tho, i've been spoiled for the ending a few months ago, i still need to know how it happened and stuff. and i think this arc is gonna end up like the beginning
Spoiled?? May you spare some spoils kind stranger? Colau
you sure you want the ending spoiled?? i will if you want it, but it'll ruin the story a bit. so if you don't wanna know anymore, dont read what i'm typing below
he don't kill himself and he happily ends it with friends
you sure you want the ending spoiled?? i will if you want it, but it'll ruin the story a bit. so if you don't wanna know anymore, dont read what i'm typing belowhe don't kill himself and he happily ends it with... SexyBallsackSangwooJones
i think i called it last episode. i think it's gonna end up like the beginning of the story when we started. even tho, i've been spoiled for the ending a few months ago, i still need to know how it happened and stuff. and i think this arc is gonna end up like the beginning