30 years of friendship and 8 years of being in romantic relationship. It almost felt like ...

FujoQueen April 26, 2021 2:20 pm

30 years of friendship and 8 years of being in romantic relationship. It almost felt like you are tied up with your fate, going smoothly from friends to lovers. Both families are fine as well (as I can see). But I guess, a kid might dream of being a hero and then later decide to become photographer when he reach adulthood (we all changed not as a pair but always as an individual)-- You might used to being together and felt comfortable to each other. You might have different views now but relationships will always stays you intact. What I'm trying to say--you might get friends because of early meeting up with good personality and then hook up 'till now and then. Taejoo and Yoon clearly have different personalities, if not for "early meets up" knowing each other even before they got their shits together---
I wouldn't think they are destined for each other.

With all those years of being together and being "in love", I might already come to the point of my life "where I can't live without him anymore" or "I can't love anyone like this in my lifetime anymore". There are people who have their lovers died (for real) and never find anyone anymore (being unable to replace that person) but Taejoo the "you thought have died" is alive, aren't you lucky? Aside from finding another lover, you also ruined your long-built "relationship" not just as your "lover" but also being a friend, companion, family...

Yoon might have pick what best "suited" for him now. Share the same views and passion, where can you find that? I hate Taejoo, if it were me "Even if I have to lose everything, I'll leave him (current bf)" I'll throw everything aside. But aside for giving Yoon a rude "breaking up", Teajoo also show rude personality after that. What the hell man. Have some consolation, you still become friends before that. Just leave him alone, fuck off, you didn't even try to fix it even for a minimum (just friends or as a family). You try to wipe him out! I guess, you don't love him enough or worse not treasure him enough. Die with your pride---

    Ervie April 26, 2021 4:04 pm

    I agree I understand the pain he had ben through but look he almost been with yoon for half of his life then wtf he just throw their relationship not as just lovers but also as a friend to justify that he want to be faithful to his new bf. When as I see he was just scared to hurt his new bf and he didn't loved him yes he cared for him but not to the extent how he loved yoon but look what he did he choose to hurt the person he truly loves, now suffer to the consequences, regrets is coming bigtime

    potato04 April 26, 2021 4:43 pm

    Real pain ༼;´༎ ༎༽