As a Mexican, this is akward

LushiferianII April 26, 2021 8:09 am

Like... I should be honored or something, right? Yet it feels pretty strange to read how "Yuuto" (A japanese name) is called "mijo" (a PRETTY mexican slang) while talking in english HAHAHAHA

Ok, but Mole is delicious so I kind of get it.... But Lupita, Paco (Not Francisco, PACO).... and Yuuto.... In Arizona. I just can't hahahaha. I don't understand why this is so akward, it's actually pretty common to have mixed families... but not in a manga? hahaha

    raindragon April 26, 2021 6:13 pm

    His stepmother is Latino. Does that make sense? Yuto speaks English, Spanish, and a bit of Japanese

    LushiferianII April 27, 2021 4:28 am

    I know, but it's still a little akward for me and I don't know why hahaha