does anyone else think the art is too good to be a BL? like they really put crack or sum i...

crack dad April 26, 2021 4:04 am

does anyone else think the art is too good to be a BL? like they really put crack or sum in the art bc I just be admiring each page for 10 minsjfksls IT'S SO GOOD AND FOR WHAT

    Gricaseo April 26, 2021 6:50 am

    I think you need to read more BL.

    Happy Hotdog April 26, 2021 6:53 am

    right? the rosy shades are pretty and the art style is one of a kind.

    crack dad April 26, 2021 8:34 am
    I think you need to read more BL. Gricaseo

    LOL this was more or less a joke, i just really appreciate the art

    Happy Hotdog April 26, 2021 11:25 am

    i agree to your opinion for the art but there’s no need to show the world that it’s too good for bl. respect other’s preferences, please.

    crack dad April 26, 2021 12:41 pm
    i agree to your opinion for the art but there’s no need to show the world that it’s too good for bl. respect other’s preferences, please. Happy Hotdog

    so like the comment above, its a complete joke.. like i thought it was obvious butjskckd please don’t be offended. <3

    crack dad April 26, 2021 12:42 pm
    i agree to your opinion for the art but there’s no need to show the world that it’s too good for bl. respect other’s preferences, please. Happy Hotdog

    like if you look at my reading history what i read is quite literally all BL like-

    Kat April 26, 2021 1:08 pm
    i agree to your opinion for the art but there’s no need to show the world that it’s too good for bl. respect other’s preferences, please. Happy Hotdog

    He/she Was just expresing her opinion. And yes...when i read it i got that it was a joke. This story has BEAUTIFUL art. He/She was just admiring this BL. Dang...Yall really need to learn what an OPINION is. (as well as a joke).

    crack dad April 26, 2021 2:01 pm
    He/she Was just expresing her opinion. And yes...when i read it i got that it was a joke. This story has BEAUTIFUL art. He/She was just admiring this BL. Dang...Yall really need to learn what an OPINION is. (as... Kat

    Thank you!

    ZelAn April 26, 2021 5:19 pm

    Where’s the lie though. I respect other art styles but I don’t wanna lie saying they’re as good as this Manhwa art style :).

    liszts April 26, 2021 6:48 pm

    i totally agree this manhwa has the best art i've honestly seen from its genre like i lowkey just be screenshotting general expressions ITS SO PRETTY

    Gricaseo April 26, 2021 7:29 pm

    I get that you're all like 16 but I'm begging you please read more stuff. Like yeah the art is good, but it's by no means the best there is, I wouldn't really call it outstanding, or put it in like, my top 20 best BL art I've seen.
    Also there's more to good art than just pretty faces and hot bodies please expand your horizons.

    ZelAn April 26, 2021 7:43 pm
    I get that you're all like 16 but I'm begging you please read more stuff. Like yeah the art is good, but it's by no means the best there is, I wouldn't really call it outstanding, or put it in like, my top 20 b... Gricaseo

    Who’s all 16? Everyone has a different preferences regardless of age and you should know that, or at least I expect you to know.

    Nobody said we like the art because of their pretty face and hot bodies. That’s what art is anyways. The drawing is art, everything you read/see is art here in the BL.

    If we like it, we like it. Why don’t you list some BLs with good art? I’ll see if they are better than this. Look, you gotta understand nobody will like the same art as you.

    Gricaseo April 26, 2021 9:01 pm
    Who’s all 16? Everyone has a different preferences regardless of age and you should know that, or at least I expect you to know.Nobody said we like the art because of their pretty face and hot bodies. That’... ZelAn

    I assumed you're only talking about the faces and bodies because everything about this looks like ass. The backgrounds look really terrible, even as far as 3D bg for comics go this ones are pretty ugly, it feels like the characters are on a PS1 game. I'm not criticizing the author for it because expecting someone to do proper bg art on a schedule this thight is insane, but I'm also not gonna praise the comic for something that it isn't. The characters look good, but that's it. At the end of the day it's a comic made by one person and drawn on an extremely limited time, even if that person were the best artist in the world, there's no way it can be perfect, or even the best of it class. There is evidence of rushed work and lack of polish is everything.

    I understand that different preferences exist, but there are also objective things you can look at when analizing art, such as anatomy, line quality, composition, colors, consistency, etc., and you can find lots to criticize on this comic. You could have said "I like this art more than any other BL art I've seen" and I would've been fine with that, but you said that it's the best of its class and nothing compares, which is 1)not true and 2) reflects very poorly on you, as someone who understands very little and wishes to learn very little.

    It's pointless to list stuff because you're already set on not liking it. In your own words, "I respect other art styles but I don’t wanna lie saying they’re as good as this Manhwa art style", so doubt there's much I can do to change your mind. Regardless, I think listing is fun so here you go. and most things by Ogeretsu Tanaka.

    liszts April 26, 2021 9:23 pm
    I assumed you're only talking about the faces and bodies because everything about this looks like ass. The backgrounds look really terrible, even as far as 3D bg for comics go this ones are pretty ugly, it feel... Gricaseo

    touch some grass

    ZelAn April 26, 2021 10:07 pm
    I assumed you're only talking about the faces and bodies because everything about this looks like ass. The backgrounds look really terrible, even as far as 3D bg for comics go this ones are pretty ugly, it feel... Gricaseo

    You’re correct you can’t change someone’s preferences just cause you list the art styles you like. Once again, you don’t get that I don’t give a f about anatomy problems or whatever. I like the art and how it’s drawn, I can’t help but like it. Not something I can control.

    Once again, it’s my preference. :)
    Like what the other person said, touch some grass.

    Kat April 26, 2021 10:12 pm
    Who’s all 16? Everyone has a different preferences regardless of age and you should know that, or at least I expect you to know.Nobody said we like the art because of their pretty face and hot bodies. That’... ZelAn


    crack dad April 27, 2021 3:21 am
    I assumed you're only talking about the faces and bodies because everything about this looks like ass. The backgrounds look really terrible, even as far as 3D bg for comics go this ones are pretty ugly, it feel... Gricaseo

    Girl i'm 22 and this was literally a joke like it's not meant to be that serious I promisejdlflfl

    crack dad April 27, 2021 3:22 am


    crack dad April 27, 2021 3:22 am


    ZelAn April 27, 2021 3:46 am

    Lmao there’s always that one person or more in the comment section taking everything so seriously. I’m cracking up