
Mais ouiii! I can't count the number of time i had to explain to fireigners that real kiss greeting (lips touching cheeks) are only with family and real close friends only, and not always (depends of the relationship you have with them actually). raaaaah so exasperating!
Ah the worst is really when you don't the person and they still do it (not air kiss but like real touching lips to cheek) THE FIRST TIME YOU MEET THEM ! Like wuuut! Buuurk! Degeu! Garde tes microbes, jte connais pas wesh!
... well yeah that's how you're supposed to do in France so I'm not too shocked xD when a man does a "baisemain à la française" his lips are not supposed to touch the woman's hand but his chin has to slightly brush against the hand, so I was like wth is she talking about it's just normal xD