Well it was all the fathers schemes... and the spoilers we have read is not well explained cause its just a spoiler. And he did let her see their child... the childs the one who doesnt wanna see her.. you chould say "well its his family he should've done something" its not that easy tbh. the duke is pretty much under control by the father, the father have so many thing he chould threaten him for.. if you want read the novel..
I'm sorry but sometimes explanations aren't enough at all, like he did that to pretect her or that was for her own good, I'm sorry but that's still a no for me, he literally took away her child and didn't permet her to see him till she's a breath away from death, i can't find any excuse convincing enough to ruin her like that, and i completely understand him and get him why he treated her so cold, I'd feel the same if i comforted someone and the next day i found myself stuck in a marriage with them, cause they're just selfish enough to do that, but dude just hate her and ignore her that enough why to make her suffer by separating her from her child, unless her father was using some kind of mind controlling or brainwashing, ah I'm so sorry how much i talked but I'm so mad at him