Overall opinion

sunnyuck April 25, 2021 8:50 pm

this story started as a cute slow burn and the relationship between the two leads progressively got better but torwards the end when they were together I think something was off... I dont know , I hope it's not just me but It felt like it was pretty blant thus the author added a second couple ( that we dont even know what happened between them ffs) and they rushed it a lot ????? like it had soooo much potential and on top of that the art is gorgeous. Anyway its still so much better than other bls out there so regardless of the dissapointing ending (imo) I think It still deserves more attention

    Pixel April 26, 2021 10:49 pm

    hi ^^ Its unfortunate that you feel that way and I havent read the other comments yet but I disagree :3 I loved the manga from beginning to end but you know what they say different strokes for different folks xD I hope you still enjoyed the read tho! Have a nice day ^^

    sunnyuck April 27, 2021 12:08 am
    hi ^^ Its unfortunate that you feel that way and I havent read the other comments yet but I disagree :3 I loved the manga from beginning to end but you know what they say different strokes for different folks x... Pixel

    it was still enjoyable at some parts dont get me wrong .ty for being nice tho<3