I really like this but there are some confusing things I think. How would they even code a...

Master_iPad April 25, 2021 8:47 pm

I really like this but there are some confusing things I think. How would they even code a "free will" mode or whatever, into the game? I sort of liked when she was only given choices, that made the game a lot harder which was the point of hard mode (though, if the rest of the options were like the first one, it should have been pretty easy which one was right?). It works for other isekai since there were never really "options" like in the game to begin with, though I guess it would have been difficult to progress with the webtoon like that. Its true that there are things that are different than the game, like the reset button, but if there are still aspects from the game and it starts with choices, it doesn't really make sense to have them in the first place if it won't be used again.
Also, what is the base "favorability"? Even when it was very low the brothers clearly cared to some extent for penelope. Even though he was at -10%, reynold noticed and stopped penelope from eating that rotten food. Wouldnt you be glad, if you hated her? Even now, with Derrick fighting with Eclise over training her despite only being at 20% and acting jealous like this. It feels like something that would be happening at high favorability.

    DJnickie April 25, 2021 9:04 pm

    Yeah so this is all based on my own thoughts, but I think its all there to fuck with her. Like the favorability is probably not accurate, the free will she has is also something that is just to mess with her head. Idk if there is like a god of the world he probably is just trying to make her miserable and when she finally accepts her life as Penelope and stops holding on to hope of leaving the game world, things will become normal.