Google say

Kawaiidono April 25, 2021 8:34 pm

How to kill some fictional bastard through the internet??
You wanted to have fun you made her mother pregnant and now you're blaming this child I hope you rot and burn

    Jayjay April 25, 2021 8:59 pm

    He obviously got her mother pregnant just so he could get a "spare" child to sacrifice for the ritual... He blames her for not accepting the reason why she was "made" and it's awful, it reminds me of the parents that give their sick child a "savior sibling" just so that the sibling can provide for the organ or cell transplant that the first child desperately needs

    Whose Your Daddy? April 25, 2021 9:04 pm
    He obviously got her mother pregnant just so he could get a "spare" child to sacrifice for the ritual... He blames her for not accepting the reason why she was "made" and it's awful, it reminds me of the parent... Jayjay

    Omg, these two things are so dumb and similar